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No, it is a chemical mix.

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Q: Is a glow stick a gas-liquid solution?
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What chemicals are in a blue glow stick?

1. Plastic casing covers the inner fluid. 2. A glass capsule covers the solution. 3. Phenyl Oxalate and fluorescent dye solution. 4. Hydrogen Peroxide solution. 5. After the glass capsule is broken and the solutions mix, the glow-stick glows.

What is a glow stick made of.?

a glow stick is made of egg yolk and then t

Is a glow stick endothermic or exothermic?

a glow stick can be a endothermic or exothermic reaction

When you snap a glow stick what does the snapping the tube do and how does it lead to chemical reaction?

I just had to do a project exactly on this, When you snap a glow stick a chemical change happens. A glow stick has an outer tube (the bendy one) and an inner glass tube (the one you hear cracking). By snapping a glow stick you are cracking open the inner tube which hold chemicals, the outer tube has phenyl oxalate and fluorescent dye in it, and the inner glass tube has a hydrogen peroxide solution in it. When these chemicals are released and come together, it releases energy in the form of light, thus, making a chemical change. So when you do your favorite activity with a glow stick, cracking it (admit it, it's your favorite part), you are breaking the inner glass tube, which then releases the hydrogen peroxide solution into the phenyl oxalate/dye solution, creating an enchantingly glowing stick of light! hope this was helpful! - Jessica

Is breaking a glow stick a chemical or physical change?

It's a chemical change--there's a glass ampule in the glow stick. and it's got one chemical in it. Around it is another chemical. When you break the glow stick the two chemicals mix, and the glow happens.

Related questions

What happens when you snap a glow stick to make it glow?

When you snap a glow stick to make it glow, it will glow.

What chemicals are in a blue glow stick?

1. Plastic casing covers the inner fluid. 2. A glass capsule covers the solution. 3. Phenyl Oxalate and fluorescent dye solution. 4. Hydrogen Peroxide solution. 5. After the glass capsule is broken and the solutions mix, the glow-stick glows.

What happens when you break a glow stick?

You you break a glow stick it will be shorter in size and may not glow well.

What is a glow stick made of.?

a glow stick is made of egg yolk and then t

Who created glow stick?

The person who invented the glow stick is Thomas Edison

Is a glow stick endothermic or exothermic?

a glow stick can be a endothermic or exothermic reaction

What is the liquid in a glow stick?

A glowstick is constructed using a translucent plastic container holding two solutions, one of which is contained inside a glass capsule. The solution outside the capsule is a solution of phenyl oxalate and fluorescent dye. The capsule contains a hydrogen dioxide solution. Upon breaking the capsule and allowing the solutions to mix, the stick will give off a fluorescent glow.

When you snap a glow stick what does the snapping the tube do and how does it lead to chemical reaction?

I just had to do a project exactly on this, When you snap a glow stick a chemical change happens. A glow stick has an outer tube (the bendy one) and an inner glass tube (the one you hear cracking). By snapping a glow stick you are cracking open the inner tube which hold chemicals, the outer tube has phenyl oxalate and fluorescent dye in it, and the inner glass tube has a hydrogen peroxide solution in it. When these chemicals are released and come together, it releases energy in the form of light, thus, making a chemical change. So when you do your favorite activity with a glow stick, cracking it (admit it, it's your favorite part), you are breaking the inner glass tube, which then releases the hydrogen peroxide solution into the phenyl oxalate/dye solution, creating an enchantingly glowing stick of light! hope this was helpful! - Jessica

Why is it that when you bend a colored plastic stick it changes color?

The stick is made this way, to produce color and glowing when broken in half. The stick is filled with a solution, once this solution is activated the fluid begins to glow and becomes one of many different color choices.

Wheres the glow stick in early poptropica?

the glow stick is in the well ☺♥

What do you do with the glow stick on poptropica?

you get the glow stick in the left hand side of the corner in the tunnel

Who invented the glow stick?

In the early 1960s Edwin A. Chandross invented the glow stick.