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Astatine is not considered important for life as it is a rare radioactive element. It is not naturally occurring in large quantities on Earth and its high radioactivity makes it too toxic for biological systems.

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Q: Is astatine important for life and why?
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Is astatine bad?

As a radioactive element with a short half life astatine is dangerous.

What is the Atomic mass of astatine?

The atomic mass of astatine is 209.9871 atomic mass units (amu). The atomic mass is given for the longest lived isotope of astatine, which is astatine-210, with a half life of 8.3 hours.

What is the half life of astatine?

The half-life of astatine-210, the most stable isotope of astatine, is approximately 8.1 hours. This means that it takes 8.1 hours for half of a sample of astatine-210 to decay into a different element.

Describe about the stability of astatine?

All the isotopes of astatine are radioactive and unstable; the most stable isotope is 210At with a half life of 8,1 hours.

Is there an acid made with the element astatine?

Yes, astatine can form astatine hydride (HAt) which is an acid, although it is extremely rare and unstable due to astatine's radioactivity and short half-life. This compound has not been extensively studied due to the difficulties in working with astatine.

What type of element is astatine?

Astatine is an element with the symbol At.

How many valence electrons does astatine have?

Astatine has 7 valence electrons.

What is astatine?

The color of the element astatine is unknown.

What is the state of astatine at room temperature?

Astatine is a radioactive element that is expected to exist as a solid at room temperature. It has a very short half-life and is not found in nature in significant quantities, making it difficult to study its physical form at standard conditions.

What is astatine chemical symbol?

The chemical symbol of astatine is At

What is the astatine chemical symbol?

The chemical symbol of astatine is At

How many protrons does astatine have?

Astatine has 85 protons.