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No! This should not be attempted. Try actually stopping the drug use to pass a drug test. There are commercial products available that claim to cleanse your system so that you can pass a drug test. The best method is to stop using the drug for 3-4 days prior to the drug test.

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A catheter is a medical device used to collect urine from inside the body of someone who is incompetent. No drugs involved. Just plastic.

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Q: Can you inject clean urine into your bladder by catheter to pass a drug test?
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What procedure inserts the catheter into the urinary tract through the bladder and into the urine?

Urinary catheterization is the insertion of a catheter into a patient's bladder. The catheter is used as a conduit to drain urine from the bladder into an attached bag or container.

What connects to a catheter and holds urine?


What do you stick in your bladder to release the urine?


What can happen to a patient if the foley catheter is clamped off and the urine has backed up into the patient?

It is quite common for a catheter to be clamped off. Unfortunately not as common as it should be. When this is done the urine will be retained in the bladder. This is not a bad thing -> its what the bladder was designed for. The only problem with this is that if the catheter clamp is left on for an excessive amount of time it may cause pain (like a strong urge to go to the toilet) as the urine collects in the bladder or cause retrograde ureteric flow back to the bladder. One of the problems of NOT clamping a catheter is bladder shrinkage which can lead to urine bypassing (coming out down the sides of the catheter tube) by various mechanisms. bladder shrinkage can be a problem when the catheter is removed.

What is a Foley catheter's use in medicine?

A Foley catheter is a tube that is put into the bladder. The point of this is to allow urine to come out of the bladder when a patient is unable to go to the toilet themselves.

Can you control your bladder with catheter in?

As the catheters drains the urine continously to the collection bag the bladder will not be expanded by filling-up with urine. The patient will not feel any urge to empty the bladder as long as the catheter is inside. Some patients feel at the beginning a "something is inside".

Is catheter urine as sanitary as regular urine?

Catheter urine is more "sanitary" than regular urine. Because it is collected from the bladder, and doesn't "touch" the external skin, it is less prone to skin contamination.

How is urine obstruction tested?

A catheter placed through the urethra and into the bladder can show how much urine remains in the bladder after the patient urinates--a measure of how severe the obstruction is.

What can you do if the ureter becomes tighter and the urine dont flow?

If the Urine is in the bladder and does not flow, you put a catheter through the urethra.

How would aspiration of the urine from the bladder be accomplished?

Needle, Trocar, Intractheter, or Suprapubic Catheter

What are the risks of urinary catheterization?

The catheter may introduce bacteria into the urethra and bladder, resulting in urinary tract infection. UTI can cause fever and inflammation of the bladder and urethra.

What is male catheterization?

Urinary catheterization is the insertion of a catheter through the urethra into the urinary bladder for withdrawal of urine.