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Genetic engineering is a new field of study that has impact in our society but with divided opinion in orthodoxies and liberal outlook.

Ethical practices in genetic engineering differ from moral ethics and are polar extremes in their own wisdom.

The rational aspect views the practical applications in future with increase in demand and depletion of resources finds wisdom in plant cloning & animals for food. The need to preserve extinct genera is both wise and ethical.

It is the moral wisdom that rejects cloning as unethical but that is a view of the minority who still languish in orthodoxies in a world of science.

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1mo ago

Opinions on cloning vary widely. Some people view it as a promising scientific advancement with potential benefits, while others have ethical concerns about the implications of cloning on individuality and human rights. Ultimately, whether cloning is morally acceptable is a subjective judgment that depends on one's values and beliefs.

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This is a matter of personal opinion.

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Q: Is cloning a morally acceptable practice?
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Who is involved in cloning?

Cloning typically involves scientists who specialize in genetics and biotechnology. These experts manipulate the genetic material of an organism to create an exact genetic replica. Cloning can also involve researchers, technicians, and ethicists who contribute to the various aspects of the process.

Why is cloning illegal?

Cloning is illegal in many jurisdictions due to ethical concerns about the implications of manipulating life, potential for abuse in human cloning, and uncertainties surrounding the long-term consequences of cloning technology. Additionally, there are fears about the impact of cloning on genetic diversity and individuality.

Why should cloning be illegal?

Cloning raises ethical concerns about the implications for individual identity, human diversity, and the potential exploitation of the cloned individual. Additionally, cloning can have negative impacts on animal welfare and genetic diversity. There are also unresolved safety issues and uncertainties surrounding the long-term health of cloned organisms.

Side affects of cloning?

Some potential side effects of cloning include genetic abnormalities, shortened lifespan, and health issues related to the cloning process itself, such as developmental problems and premature aging. Additionally, there may be ethical and emotional implications for both the cloned individual and society at large.

When complex plants are produced by cloning which process is most directly involved?

The most direct process involved in cloning complex plants is somatic embryogenesis. This process involves the development of embryos from somatic cells, allowing for the propagation of plants with desirable traits from a single parent plant.

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Which is morally acceptable artificial intelligence or human clone?

AI would have to be the more morally acceptable one of the two, cloning is not very well accepted at this time.

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Any legal separation is morally acceptable.Any legal separation is morally acceptable.Any legal separation is morally acceptable.Any legal separation is morally acceptable.

What were the reactions to the news about Dolly the sheep?

hello,some were shocked.· 89% believed that the cloning of human beings was not morally right· 66% believed that the cloning of animals was not morally right· 69% are scared by the connotations of cloning humans· 74% believe that cloning is going against God's will· 19% disagree with the statement that cloning is against God's will· 6% of Americans are in favor of human cloning

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Which situations are morally acceptable but are not legal?

If you had to steal food or medicine to stay alive.

A student is writing a research report on cloning. Which of these is the best research question for the student to use?

Is cloning actually possible. Will the result of cloning be viable is cloning ethical, morally or religiously. Can cloning be performed with people What is the religious status of a cloned person. What is the legal status of a cloned person. what human rghts are applicable.

Is downsizing morally good or acceptable or largely immoral?

Downsizing is not morally good or immoral. It is a necessity in some businesses to prevent closing, so in this way it is moral.

How is whole organism cloning different from cell cloning?

Cell cloning is using DNA or RNA within cells to produce life. This is considered immoral and unethical in many medical circles. Whole organism cloning, however, is considered more acceptable since they are dealing with whole and no partial organisms.

Is test tube cloning right or wrong?

In many respects it is morally neutral. From one point of view, it is simply the creation of another life or the imitation of, something that happens on a regular basis naturally. In fact, the act of procreation itself is morally neutral. Imitation of a natural phenomena is hardly unethical either, else many buildings (dams) and technologies (web [internet]) would be morally wrong. Many religions find the concept abhorrent due to the idea that cloning is encroaching upon the territory of their deity. Cloning itself is a tool, a process and as such has no moral leaning. It can be 'right' or 'wrong'.

Why is it illegal to make copies of humans?

Both reproductive and therapeutic cloning remain an active area of debate. Some see cloning as morally repugnant and a threat to human individuality and dignity. Others see the unequivocal medical benefits to cloning cells which could effectively add decades to a human's lifespan. Lawmakers in many countries have sided with the former argument, banning the practice. There is much more to this debate that cannot possibly be said here. If you're interested I suggest you research the controversial topic.

Do Christians believe in animal cloning?

Yes, Christians believe in animal cloning there is plenty of evidence to suggest animal cloning happens. The real question is - is animal cloning morally right? However the Bible does not say if animal cloning is right or wrong and probably most Christians have no opinion about animal cloning. Jesus said "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" not go and be involved in animal rights or politics.