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Ego can be BOTH good and bad.

On the one hand it is said that all our suffering comes from our ego. We can have different expectations of outcomes, the divide between the two is self inflicted pain.

However, ego can also be a motivator. It is your animal instinct to survive and to compete and prosper. It can contribute to your need for standing out and to be unique. It can make you try again when you fail!

A healthy ego can also help a man to be strong about his convictions. To persevere during unfair persecution.

The ego can also bolster a man's belief that he can change the world for a better outcome. So in conclusion, I think the ego can be pretty and it can be ugly, use your ego to help more than just yourself and I think you will be okay.

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Q: Is ego good or bad fr ones personality?
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EGO mean personality ex: when you say you have a big ego means you have a big personality

Is having an alter ego bad?

When an alter ego is someone, not yourself, who is the opposite to you, that is neither good nor bad. If that other self is embedded in you, then it still is not necessarily a bad thing as it may be a way of dealing with particular stresses or freedoms of a specific situation. But when it develops into a schizoid, or multiple personality, it is generally referred to as a 'disorder', and deemed to be,, as you put it, 'bad'.

Is ego good or bad?

Ego can be both good and bad. It's healthy to have a balanced ego, which provides us with self-confidence and motivation to achieve our goals. However, when ego becomes inflated, it can lead to arrogance, selfishness, and negatively impact our relationships with others.

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super ego

What is a counter-ego?

A counter ego is a dostinct personality that is opposite to your real one.

What is super ego?

and super ego is a part of your personality that judes your right and wrong

In Freud's theory of personality does the ego represents reason good sense and rational self control?


Can personality disorders develop in middle age?

Personality disorders can take place at any age. Most responsible factor Is Ego. If deflation of Ego takes place, the individual becomes deflated, If Ego inflated an individual becomes overconfident. balanced Ego maintains balanced personality.

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Ego, is another word for personality

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Is ego the part of the mind most associated with conscience?

no, ego is bad, while your conscience is good. in fact, ego is actually not an actual part of the brain. ego is associated with the part of your brain that controls feelings.