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Firstly, Light was not "invented." It's merely existed since the beginning of time. The light from the sun is the perfect example. It wasn't invented, yet it gives off light. Anyways, electricity wasn't invented either. It's also a natural product of nature, lightning being a good example. Before light bulbs were invented, candles were commonly used. Light bulbs required electricity to work. So if you're referring to "which came first, the light bulb or the 'invention' of electricity?" question, then it would really be a matter of looking back in your history book. It was in the 1750's that Ben Franklin began studying electricity, and proved that lightning is indeed a form of electricity. In 1879, Thomas Edison made the first working light bulb, running off of electricity of course. So you can see it was over 100 years after the study of electricity itself that the light bulb was invented, thus "inventing" light.

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Q: Is electricity invented first or light invented first?
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Thomas Edison studied electricity, in short, because it was a necessity during his time period. Many scientist studied electricity in efforts to invent a light source like the light bulb, but they failed at their attempt. Thomas Edison finally invented the first incandescent light and demonstrated if publically for the first time in 1879.

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Mother Nature, lightning must be the first to produce light from electricity.

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