

Is feeding a baby formula equal to feeding breast milk?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Breastfeeding is recommended for the first six months before switching to baby formula. There are more nutrients and health benefits to the baby when using breast milk.

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Q: Is feeding a baby formula equal to feeding breast milk?
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Is it safe to supplement with formula while breast feeding?

Yes you can switch to formula. However, its better to breast feed the baby because breast milk can help in the development in the baby's immune system. Plus the best thing about breast feeding your baby is that it really helps the mother lose a lot of weight after the baby is born. But if you are breast feeding make sure to keep an eye on your baby to decrease a chance of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome), the mother's breast may "smother" her baby by accident. while the baby is being fed, if the baby is held too tight to the breast of the mother, she may be covering its nose and the baby may not be able to breath and suffocate.

Does a baby have to stay on formula for atleast one year?

That answer should be left to your doctor. Every baby is different so their needs will be different. The healthiest thing you can do for your baby is breast feed. Formula is great but breast feeding is better.

Do humans feed milk to their babies?

yes, that's y theres such thing as breast feeding and baby formula!!! baby formula makes milk!!!! omg haha :D

What feeding practices is recommended for preterm infants?

The feeding practice of on-demand feeding is recommended for preterm infants. Either breast milk or formula should be fed when the baby seems hungry.

Where can you get a free baby bottle?

Your breast, by breast feeding! Der

Does breast feeding cause breast cancer?

If you have breast cancer and receiving chemotherapy then you cannot breastfeed your baby.

What are some benefits of baby milk formula by the company Enfamil?

Formula provides the nutrients a baby needs for its growth and development. One of benefits of formula feeding is the ease and comfort it provides. Some mothers are uncomfortable breast feeding in public. Another benefit is that dads can feed their baby and have that bonding time with them as well.

Why is breast feeding good for babies?

1) The mother's milk is the ONLY perfect baby formula for the first several months of the baby's life. 2) The act of breast-feeding creates a mother-child bond which contributes to the child's emotional health throughout life.

What are the advantages of breast feeding?

the advantages of breast feeding are that if you brest feed your baby it is most likely your baby will be stronger than if you use normal milk.

When was breast feeding created?

Breast feeding is how all mammals feed their young, It was created when the first baby was born.

What are some benefits of breast feeding?

Some of the benefits from natural breast feeding for the mom include bonding time with the baby, saving money on formula, protection against breast and ovarian cancer, and easier traveling. Some of the benefits for the baby include transferring your immunities, providing protection against diabetes, help develop facial and jaw muscles, and breast milk being easily digestible for the baby.

What is the best for baby a breast milk or industrial milk?

Breast milk is always best - as it contains natural nutrients, and antibodies to boost the baby's immune system. Formula - is only intended as a substitute - for use when breast-feeding is not practical, not as a full-time replacement !