

Is gelatin is a collid

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Gelatin is a form of collagen which is completely natural and entirely protein - 100% fat free. It provides all 8 of the essential amino acids required by your body to repair itself and grow.

It belongs to the family of hydrocolloids, such as guar gum and xanthan gum which are plant or sugar-derived. When added to food, gelatin and other hydrocolloids make it thicker. Depending on how much is added, a jelly/jello can be formed too.

There are several ways of getting gelatin, the most common is from treating pig skin with acid, but you can also get gelatin from pig bones. For kosher and halal gelatin, cow hide and bones can be treated with alkali, or fish and chicken skin and bones can undergo the same processes.

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