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Q: Is it a bad thing if you are 25 weeks pregnant and your having braxton hicks?
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Is there such thing as false contractions when pregnant?

There's something called Braxton Hicks and you can read more about it in the link below.

If you had such strong braxton hicks contractions last night that you thought it was the real thing does that mean real labor is close?

No, braxton hicks just help your uterus prepare but it does not mean you are close to delivery trust me I have been there too sweetie.

33 weeks pregnant with 2nd child bad braxton hicks they feel like labor baby is really low bin having pains for 10 weeks they feel like not being able too breath and move what are they?

They are braxton hicks. I am having the same thing, turns out I have not been drinking enough water. When you are dehydrated your body releases more of the hormone that aids in labor...thus more contractions. I would not worry unless they are less than 10 minutes apart for more than an hour...or if you have any bleeding or fluid or discharge that is not normal, those are signs of preterm labor.

You are 39 weeks pregnant and getting a lot of braxton hicks all of a sudden does this mean labour is on its way?

No not really, your body is getting ready for the real thing. These early contractions are very light compared to the real thing. If you are worried, time these contractions, if they are not steady, they are just your body getting ready for birth.

Is contraction normal in an ongoing 7 months pregnant woman?

She would only get contractions if she was going into labour early. She might experience Braxton Hicks contractions which are the body's way of preparing for labour. They are not real contractions but many people mistake them for real contractions and think they are going into labour. If they get worse and worse and begin coming regularly, it is important to go to the hospital straightaway

How soon can you be having braxton hicks contractions?

your uterus actually contracts starting arounf 8 weeks. but you dont feel them til later on. With my experience with my twin pregnancy, i started really feeling them around 20 weeks. And now at almost 29 weeks, theyre pretty intense!

I am 32 weeks pregnant and i have cramps in my stomach - that comes and goes - is this normal?

Yes, it is normal. What you are experiencing may be Braxton-Hicks contractions. These contractions are "practice" for the real thing. If you are experiencing period-like cramping, you should call your doctor. If those cramps become regular (time them) or if your water breaks, go to the hospital.

Been having a lot of mild contractions 38 weeks pregnant is labor soon?

What you are experiencing is called Braxton-Hicks contractions. It is perfectly normal. It is the body's way of "practicing" for the real thing. As long as there is no constant pressure on the floor of the pelvis or discharge of blood or liquid, the mild contractions you are feeling is not a threat. Your baby will be born when he or she is ready. The B-H contractions do not mean labor will begin any sooner than is proper.

What are Braxton Hicks contractions?

contractions or false laborEveryone is different, because of how everyone deals with pain, so there isn't any steadfast rule. My own personal experience...It felt like tightening up your fist and then releasing it, but it was your stomach muscles obviously, not your fist. That's what I felt. Braxton Hicks are not painful, but they do feel like the person above said. Or perhaps if you put your hand on your man's bicep as he tightens it. They gradually become more co-ordinated and uncomfortable and morph into labor contractions.What they felt like to me, was a very painful period. O couldn't get past the pain and nervousness to feel any abdominal tightening or anything like that, but everyone is different....I am 27 weeks now and experienced my first Braxton Hicks contraction last night. I really freaked out because I didnt know what was happening. I thought i was going into premature labor or worse... But then the pain went away as suddenly as it started. First thing in the morning i called my doctor and he assured me that all was well. SO if you experience something that feels like you are having a very painful period and there are no signs of blood or watery discharge then you are probably having one of these lovely "dress rehearsals" for labor...ENJOY!Everyone feels things differently, but for me when I had Braxton Hicks contractions, by belly tightened and went rock hard for about 30 seconds and felt quite uncomfortable, then stopped, this would happen for ten minutes or so and then stop. I started noticing them from about the 20th week of my pregnancy right up until I had my baby. They are uncomfortable, but it's good to know everything is working as it should be!

What does it mean to have cramps when you are 38 weeks pregnant?

It could be false labour other wise known as braxton hicks contractions or you could possibly be dealing with the real thing. If you have 4 or more of these pains in an hour, have any type of unusual vaginal discharge, have lower back pain, increased pelvic pressure, or notice the cramps get more frequent, rhythmic, or painful. Call your dr immediately as these could be signs of actual labor.

What causes period like cramps in your uterus but you are 9 months pregnant?

It's often caused by the preparation fo the uterus for childbirth, called Brackston Hicks. If you are 9 months pregnant, you should be watchful for the real thing. Your first signs of labor will probably be contractions.

Is it normal to have abdominal pains at thirty five weeks?

There is such a thing as "Braxton Hicks" contractions. These benign contractions sometimes happen before labor. Also, my baby would push down on my cervix, this would send shooting pains through my body, it really hurt! This helps to prepare your cervix for dialation.