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Many places it is a crime.
But where ever you are, people will think you are creepy.

If the girls haven't told you that its OK, then yes it is bad.

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Q: Is it bad to look up girls skirts?
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Do girls like it when boys look up their skirts?

No, they find it offensive and annoying.

Why do guys look up girls skirts?

some guys just ask. or they may also look for chances.

What do Greaser girls look like?

Short skirts and greasy hair with alot of make-up; slutty

Do 14 year old boys look up girls skirts?

Heck no! She would probley think that you were a creep. So don't do it.

Why do cheerleaders wear pleated skirts?

Not all cheerleaders wear pleated skirts. Some like the look when the girls dance, and the movement you get.

What are the advantages of being stepped on by girls?

lol. why are you being stepped on in the first place?!? haha. well you could always look up their skirts or something

Why do girls wear skirts and no panties?

Uh, I think they do it so guys will see up their skirts, but most women are a little smarter than that.

Why do girls wear shorts under skirts?

To stop people from seeing up the skirt

Do girls like guys seeing up there skirts? you pervert. Girls prefer guys who actually know how to use grammar.

Do Asian girls HAVE to wear short skirts when going to school?

No. Girls in japan roll up their skirts on purpose to make them shorter. It actually against school rules.

How do you wear uniform skirts?

it depends on what school, my skirts are massive and long so we roll 'em up and tuk are shirts in and it look alright.

Is it bad if 12 year old girls don't have their period?

no., its not bad. girls get their periods between the ages of 11-16. so its not bad, look it up on any website or book if you dont think this is right! Hope This Helps! -GuidetteHottieForever