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It is never good for a man to experience penile irritation. When it is due to vaginal dryness, it is not good for the female either. On a man, it can cause redness, burning and even small "paper cuts". Women can experience symptoms similar to a yeast infection. Burning, some itchiness and if the area is examined, I bet there are "paper cuts" as well that can start as far up as above the clit and go down as far as the perinium.

My husband and I had our third child June of 2010. That following December, we both began having these symptoms. I thought he cheated and gave me something and he thought the same thing about me. So a trip to the doc....STD tests, all negative. When we went, our cuts were present, so they were tested as well and nothing. The doc said she was pretty sure that it was due to vaginal dryness (no lube). We were advised to use a water-based lube. We got original KY. Our kids are 2, 4 and 6 with hardly any free or personal time so it made a whole lot of sense especially since its hard to find adequate time for foreplay and produce enough natural lube. I have been uncomfortable during sex many many times due to this. So after a few sessions using lube, even when natural was made to be safe, not only did our problem diminish, but our sex life is on fire! A whole year of torture and worry...tsk tsk. I am a very happy wife again and my husband is no longer complaining of a sore penis.

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Q: Is it good for irritation of penis caused by vaginal dryness?
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