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I would not advise it because its concidered to be very damaging. Its too many chemicals and most hair types can't withstand that much processsing, but it really depends on how healthy the hair is before you do it. if it was damaged from the start I would'NT advise any processing, and if it was healthy if you get away with doing both in the same day you are lucky. Remember to perm first because if you color first the perm when you do apply will dull the hair color, and you will have to do the color all over again and that's a major NO! NO!

When you perm the hair it is softened so no. I agree with above answer. It would cause too much damage. You aren't even allowed to shampoo the hair until 2 days later because of the state the hair is in after this chemical process.

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Q: Is it ok to straight perm hair and color the same day?
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How do you perm and color hair at the same time?

you dont ratcher.. you do it seperately, or, find a perm / hair color kit all in one. GETTUM GURL

Is a hair relaxer better than straight perms to straighten hair?

relaxer and straight perm are basicly the same thing

Is it okay to perm your hair and get hightlights?

It is not advised to perm and highlight your hair at the same time. This can cause damage to your hair. Perming can also alter the color of your hair. It would be best to perm your hair and wait a few weeks before adding highlights.

What is worse for your hair a perm or a relaxer?

Both are equally as damaging - same for texturizers. They all contain the same chemicals.

Does Revlon frost and glow make your hair fall out?

Hair color shouldn't make your hair fall out. However if you relax or perm your hair you shouldn't color at the same time because it can damage hair.

How can you take the perm out of your hair?

Depends if your hair is damaged by the perm, if your hair is naturally straight and thin, condition it, the perm will weaken, if you want it "out now", then you will need to buy perm solution, apply it on your hair and gently slide your fingers down from the root to the end, after a few minutes rinse, apply nuetralizer and do the same thing, deep condition afterwards. If you hair is damaged, go to a salon.

Can you perm and color hair at the same time?

yes you can as long as you dont put much highlights but if you want hightlight and a perm at the same time you just need to get the highlights first and the after the highlights get the perm but if you are wanting a perm and and highlights at the same time you need to get the perm first then wait a day or 2 then get the highlight but YES you can get both at the same time

Can you Perm and dye the same day?

Yes you can perm your hair and dye it the same day. I always wait to the last minute to choose a certain hairstyle, and have really needed a perm and really wanted color so I did both. It really worked fine.

Can you use hair products the same day you get a perm?

No, after getting a perm you cannot get your hair wet for at least 24 hours

What is the best way way for a male to get wave in his hair?

Same way as a female, with a perm. A body wave is the same thing as a perm, it is just done on bigger rods.

Is it possible to perm AND bleach your hair. meaning perming and blaeching the same hair?

yes, chemicals are used when perming and bleaching hair,

Is a straight hair perm gone after a few months if yesIs the hair going to curl eventually back exactly the same as it was before without waiting until it grows back?

Straight perms usually last 5 months-1 year, and when it wears out, your hair will be all jacked up (the newly grown hair at the top will be curly, and the bottom will be kinda straight) i suggest you just flat iron your hair until the curly hair grows out, and then cut off the sraight hair on the bottom. :]