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If you think of the brain as an organic cross between a 2-way radio (one capable of both receiving and transmitting information) and a computer (processing and creating information); and to the fact that Einstein tells us that 'Time is an Illusion' and some say even Space is an Illusion. I would have to say that it is possible; due to injury that the brain which never before received premonitions could in fact be 'tweaked' by said injury in the form of brain 'damage'. In such a ways as to afterwords be capable of having/receiving/perceiving such as things as Being able to see past/through an Illusion such as Time, perceiving other people's thoughts and or emotions (which are really nothing more then a combination of electrical impulses and chemical reactions in the brain, which can even now be detected, recorded and to a certain extent analyzed by scientific equipment.) When you realize that many animals can sense such things as seizers, cancers and other sometimes 'hidden' illnesses, can seemingly and even have been proven to be able to perceive all manner of things which most humans cannot. When it is well documented and generally excepted that some otherwise ordinary people have 'seen' or felt the death or injury of a loved one at or Even Before it actually happens, plus all manner of unusual things. Is it that hard to believe that an injury to the brain could in fact give the owner a few 'gifts' along or instead of impairments? There are many such stories of brain injuries altering the owner's cognitive functioning's in various unusual ways, precognition being but one. That being said, it is no guarantee that the thus altered brain will thereafter remain capable/open to premonitions or other unusual abilities forever. Nor that an injury to the brain, even when delivered to the exact same place(s) in another brain which rendered those results in the former would cause the same effect(s) in the latter. The resulting 'favorable' changes wrote in the brain after the injury; being a likely very rare and novel occurrence indeed; the combination of the very specific configuration of the brain before its injury and the very specific damage/alterations (including healing) done to it, not to mention a huge array of other internal and external influences and factors. The Stephen King story 'The Dead Zone' being another and popular example of brain damage creating an (Extra Sensory Perception= ESP or other Super Natural ability. The definition of Supernatural being: a)(of a manifestation or event) attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature. b) unnaturally or extraordinarily great. Hope this helps you! Hugs!

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Q: Is it possible for premonitions to occur after some kind of cranial injury?
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What two cranial nerves on the stimulated side must be functional for pupillary light reflex to occur?

Cranial nerves 2 and 3

What injury could occur if a joint is forced beyond its normal range of movement?

Is the dislocation of the bone may occur!

What is a hemorage?

A hemorrhage occurs when bleeding happens because of a wound or injury. It can occur either internally or externally and is important that it be stopped.

Impact of traumatic disruption to cranial nerves?

This would result in a Traumatic Brain Injury, or TBI. There are many different types of brain injury, depending upon the severity of the force upon the head, as well as which portion of the brain is affected. To simplify, brain injuries can be classified as traumatic or acquired, with additional types under each heading. All brain injuries are described as either mild, moderate, or severe. Traumatic Brain Injury Traumatic brain injury is a result of an external force to the brain that results in a change to cognitive, physical, or emotional functioning. The impairments can be temporary or permanent. Types of traumatic brain injury include: * Diffuse axonal injury. Shaking or strong rotation of the head causes brain structures to tear. Nerve tissue is disturbed throughout the brain. * Concussion. Caused by a physical force to the head that causes blood vessels to stretch and cranial nerves to be damaged. * Contusion. A result of a direct impact to the head, which causes bleeding on the brain. * Coup-contrecoup injury. The force to the brain is large enough to cause contusion at the side of impact, as well as the site opposite impact. * Penetration injury. The impact causes a foreign object to penetrate the skull. Acquired Brain Injury An acquired brain injury is an injury to the brain that is not hereditary, congenital, degenerative, or the result of birth trauma. Acquired brain injury generally affects cells throughout the entire brain. Types of acquired brain injury include: • Axnoxic brain injury. This occurs when the brain doesn't receive oxygen.• Hypoxic brain injury. This occurs when the brain receives some, but not enough, oxygen. Levels of Brain Injury The Glascow Coma Scale is used to describe the level of initial injury relative to the neurological severity caused to the brain. Mild traumatic brain injury occurs when loss of consciousness does not occur or occurs very briefly, and testing or scans of the brain seem normal. Moderate traumatic brain injury occurs when loss of consciousness lasts a few minutes to a few hours, confusion lasts for days or weeks, and physical, cognitive, and behavioral impairments are evident. Severe brain injury occurs when unconsciousness or coma lasts days, weeks, or months, and is characterized by permanent physical, cognitive, or emotional impairments.

Is it possible to break a hymen of 16 year old girls with a 5 inch penis?

It is not only possible, but likely to occur.

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It's unlikely, but possible, depending on how the hole got there. Trepanning - or the process of creating a small hole in the skull for medical purposes - can actually preventdeath in some cases. This may be done to relieve cranial pressure, which can occur as a result of traumatic brain injury. The hole may be temporary (as in the case of caniotomy, where the piece of bone is put back as soon as possible), or permanent (as in the case of a craniectomy, where the bone is not replaced).

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Is the dislocation of the bone may occur!

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