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NO. Do not apply water, gels, or ointments to the burn. Seek professional medical treatment right away. Do not remove the burned clothing. Do not apply a bandage. They may require skin grafts and other surgeries.

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12y ago

No! wait until it heals! it will get infected/be extremely painful, plus since the skin isnt healed it might end up peeling right off

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Do first degree burn leave mark?

no. When you get a sun burn, that is already a 2nd degree burn. 1st degree burns are the rarest of burns believe it or not.

What is first aid treatment for fourth degree burns?

There are no fourth degree burns. For first and second degree burns(redness and blisters), you can run the burn under cool water. You can also apply an ice pack or some Aloe Vera gel/spray. For third and electrical burns(charred/burned skin), you call 911. Then you cover the burn with a sterile bandage. DO NOT apply ointments, gels, or creams. DO NOT run under water or apply ice. DO NOT attempt to remove the clothing from affected area.

How many degree burns is there?

3, first degree burns, second degree burns, third degree burns, fourth degree burns, fifth degree burns, and sixth degree burns. fourth, fifth, and sixth degree burns aren't common and most people don't know about them, but that is only because they are very rare and most victims of these burns die.

Treatment for third degree burns?

Seek medical treatment right away. Do not remove the burned clothing. Do not apply water, gels, or ointments. Do not apply a bandage.

Are there any burns higher than third degree burns?

No. 3rd degree burns are the worst there are.

First degree burns?

For first and second degree burns(redness and blisters), you can run the burn under cool water. You can also apply an ice pack or some Aloe Vera gel/spray. If it is really bad, call 911.

Can you get third degree burns from a jellyfish?

yes 3rd degree chemical burns

How should you treat a burn?

For a first degree burn (redness), you should cool the skin with aloe, gels, ice packs, or cool water. For a second degree burn (blisters) you can do the same as a first degree burn, but be extra careful not to pop any blisters. For a third degree burn (charred skin), Do not apply anything to the bun. Gently cover it with a sterile bandage and seek professional medical help.

What are the types of burns?

the three types of burns are 1st degree 2nd degree and 3rd degree and my momma said

What is the best way to treat first degree burns?

For first and second degree burns(redness and blisters), you can run the burn under cool water. You can also apply an ice pack or some Aloe Vera gel/spray. If it is really bad, call 911.

Tess has second- and third-degree burns on her arms and face Explain why the burns that Tess suffered make her very susceptible to infection?

Because 2nd degree burns and 3 degree burns can get infected

Why is a third-degree burn often painless?

third degree burns often kills the nerves that feels pain in the skin. of course this would also apply to 4-6 but they tend to burn severly or down to the bone and unconcious or dead people can't feel pain this is not to say that 3rd degree burns are less damagin than 1st or 2rd degree burns. the first 2 damages the skin ,the third destroys it. 177