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Yes it's used to treat fever blisters and cold sores, they are both caused by the cold sore virus. The only thing is you may have to take a lot of it before you notice any difference in the break out.

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Q: Is lysine used to treat fever blisters?
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No hun it's used to treat eczema and rashes. You would use an antiviral cream or medication to treat cold sores.

What does Abreva do?

Abreva is used to treat cold sores and fever blisters. This means it may be of some use in treating the blisters that accompany herpes. Be careful and consult with a doctor before using Abreva.

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What does L lysine do?

If you suffer from regular outbreaks of cold sores and fever blisters a Lysine supplement can help treat and also prevent these outbreaks. Cold sores, fever blisters and shingles are all forms of the Herpes virus and several studies have shown that Lysine inhibits viral replication. These specific types of viruses utilize Arginine (another form of amino acid) and increasing the availability of Lysine in the human body slows the virus replication and inhibits the use of Arginine. Studies have also indicated that Lysine could suppress genital herpes. Use of Lysine as an alternative treatment to cold sores reduces the frequency of outbreaks and lesions heal quicker. Please consult your medical practitioner prior to using any herbal medications should you be under their care. Lysine has little known side-effects as it is an amino acid that the human body needs. Lysine should not be taken with milk or any foods that contain milk as it neutralizes the effects of Lysine. Do not take Lysine if you are using any of the following anti-biotics: Gentamicin, Tobramycin, Amikacin, Kanamycin or Netilmicin. Lysine is available in pill form and cream form. At the onset of an outbreak of cold sores, start with a dosage of 1000mg Lysine daily and as the condition improves, take a therapeutic dosage of 500mg daily. Lysine cream can be applied topically to the affected areas to reduce the symptoms of painful outbreaks.

Is nail polish remover good for fever blisters?

NO, absolutely not! The chemicals in nail polish remover (usually acetone) is not meant to be used on any body part but the nails. Even the ones that are not made with acetone should never be used on fever blisters.Check with your pharmacist to see what s/he recommends for fever blisters.

Can l lysine be used for anything other than cold sores and shingles?

It can be used to treat bell's paulsy and it can help improve circulation. But it's mainly used to treat cold sores. Lysine is a more natural antiviral. Shingles are slightly different, they are caused by chicken pox not cold sores.

What is cantharis used for?

Cantharis is primarily used to treat cystitis, which is inflammation of the urinary bladder because of infection or irritation. It is also used to treat burns and blisters.

When are antibiotics used to treat chickenpox?

Antibiotics often are prescribed if blisters become infected.

Are corticosteroids used to treat a fever?

No. They bring down fever but they interfere with immune system.