

Is mental disease communicable disease

Updated: 8/20/2019
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9y ago

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Not in the classical sense, of communicable.

There are diseases that are communicable that can cause mental problems (disease). One that comes to mind is syphilis. But for tertiary syphilis to occur takes decades.

Now, in a closed environment (like a small population on a deserted island), one person's mental illness can affect the other people there. There have been true-life incidents and man fictional ones where an isolated community is warped by the mental illness of its leader.

In these examples, its usually social pressure, threat of exclusion or threats of physical punishment that may induce others to "believe" the same things as their leader. This may be a form of conformation to preserve the self, and whether other people actually believe something, or only SAY they do is another matter entirely.

So madness CAN spread, but it is generally not caused by an actual disease (virus, bacteria, protozoa, etc...), but from words, beliefs and rituals. Often called " folie a deux" or a shared delusion.

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