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It really depends on what you are really referring to - Both Chinese and Japanese have 4-character proverbs/idioms.

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Q: Is the Chinese language more succinct than Japanese?
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Are Japanese or Korean from Chinese?

Question: Is the Korean language more similar to Japanese or Chinese? Answer: Well Korean sounds like Japanese at times, however i think the language maybe more like Chinese but not necceserily the sound of it.

I keep looking but all I can find are Chinese. Where can I look up Japanese characters online?

Japanese language uses 2 alphabets (hiragana and katakana) in addition to more complex characters that are derived from the Chinese written language. Kanji (Japanese characters) are the same as Chinese characters.

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Mandarin Chinese is considered one of the most beneficial languages to learn due to the increasing importance of China in the global economy. Spanish is also widely spoken and can be useful for communication in many countries. Ultimately, the choice depends on your personal interests, career goals, and travel destinations.

Which language did the Roman language influence the least?

The Roman language didn't influence many other languages, including Chinese, Japanese, Inuit, Aborigine, Sami and many more.

What is a more useful business language to learn Chinese or Japanese?

Of course, Chinese. China's increasingly powerful stature and more business opportunities relating to the Chinese language means it has become one of the world's most important business tools. It is critical to the success of business negotiations. But on the other hand, this is based on the assumption that China's stature is indeed increasingly powerful and will continue to increase in the longer term. Consumption wise, the average Chinese-speaking person has yet to reach the level of the average Japanese-speaker. So if it is possible, learn both languages if you are interested in engaging Northeast Asia. To the native English-speaker, Japanese could be the more difficult language to learn, but it all depends on other factors like whether you have the benefit of good teachers who are able to explain in English when it is needed, and/or whether you have Japanese-speaking friends who are more than willing to converse in Japanese with you. Also, by learning Chinese characters you basically acquired part of the Japanese language; and by learning the Japanese Kanji characters you acquired part of the Chinese language.

Why do Chinese and Japanese look the same?

They have similarities, because Japanese written language is mostly based on Chinese. The Japanese use around 2000 symbolic characters called Kanji, which each represent a full word or concept and are directly borrowed from Chinese. Unlike Chinese though they also have a phonetic text which can be written two ways depending on the exact word. These are called Katakana and Hiragana, and are more of an alphabet-based way of writing things, useful for imported words.

Why did Chinese culture become so popular and accepted in Japan?

The Japanese accepted the Chinese culture because of it was older and more sophisticated than the Japanese culture. They adopted parts of the Chinese language, religion, government, arts and architecture and even the kimono, which is a Chinese inspiration during the Han period.

Is anime a little Chinese made but more Japanese?

Anime is purely Japanese. Not Chinese at all.

How do you tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese text at a glance?

One way to tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese text at a glance is to look for specific characters or symbols unique to each language. Chinese characters tend to have a more complex and square appearance, while Japanese characters often include simpler, more curvilinear characters mixed with kanji. Additionally, Japanese text may contain hiragana and katakana, which are phonetic scripts unique to the Japanese language.

What language do Asian's practice?

Youll have to be more specific with "Asian" Chinese - many dialects, but the mainland Chinese speak Mandarin Chinese. Japanese - speak Japanese, but write in many ways like Kanji for example Taiwanese/Hong Kong people - Cantonese or Mandarin Chinese Most Asian countries speak Mandarin though.

Who came first Chinese or japanese?

chinese. japanese are actually the chinese sent to japan more than 2000 years back by emperor qin.

How are Chinese paintings and Japanese paintings alike?

Chinese paintings are more realistic.