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The reflex action of burning your hand would be jerking your hand away from the source of the heat

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Yes, it's the body's natural reaction to heat.

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Q: Is the sudden withdrawal of ones hand from a hot stove a reflex?
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What are the steps of how tissues help your hand move when you touch a hot stove?

when you touch something hot , a message flashes to and from your spinal cord.this reflex causes you to move your hand.

What is the advantage of the reflex action?

We can move immediately without thinking or using our brain for example if you touch a hot kettle you immediately pull your hand. In that case, you didn't use your mind in thinking if you will get it or not. you just pull your hand immediately because of the reflex action.

What is a reflax action?

A reflex action is an "automatic" and sometimes involuntary action caused by the presence of a stimulus.The action requires no conscious thought and will happen naturally.An example is someone waving ther hand very close to your face, you will naturally blink.This is a reflex action.

What are the sequence of events that occur within the nervous system from the point you touched the hot stove with your hand to the point you jerked your hand away from the stove?

1. Sensory Receptors detect danger(eg. hot stove in this case) 2. Signal is sent through a sensory neuron to the spinal cord 3.Interneuron in the spinal cord relays the message to the motor neuron 4.Motor neuron sends a message to the effector(eg. muscle) 5. Hand jerks away Sensory neuron also sends a sinal to the brain. Sensation of the evernt is detected continuosly but usually after the defensive action has been taken.

In what direction is information carried along the sensory neuron?

It is an accending tract carring information up to the brain until they reach the cerebral cortex. By large the specific pathways cross to the side of cnetral nervous system that is opposite to the location of their sensory receptors.

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The painful stimulus that causes a hand to pull away from a hot iron?

withdrawal reflex

If when a student touches a hot stove and withdraws his hand and then yells why does the yelling occur after his hand is withdrawn?

The withdrawal of the limb is mediated by a spinal reflex pathway mediated by the larger A fibres while the sensation of pain is carried to the brain much slower by the c-fibres.

A child puts her hand on a hot stove she quickly removes it this is an example of and it involves?

Reflex action

If you touch a hot stove and you remove your hand right away you are employing an?

You are employing a reflex action that requires you not to make a conscience decision. To keep your hand on the hot stove, you would need to make a decision to keep it there, ignoring the pain. Another reflex action is to blink if someone tries to poke you in the eye. Even if you know that the poke will not actually touch your eye, reflex causes you to blink.

What is Nerve action resulting from a stimulus and where no decision is required?

This is called 'withdrawal reflex' and is possible because of the presence of interneurons in the spinal chord. The "touching of the hot stove" is a classic example in which after contact has been made, the hand is withdrawn before the brain perceives any pain or danger. The interneurons connect afferent to efferent neurons in the spinal chord; thus the signal created by the hot stove does not have to travel to the brain and be interpereted before a reflex can take place.

What are the steps of how tissues help your hand move when you touch a hot stove?

when you touch something hot , a message flashes to and from your spinal cord.this reflex causes you to move your hand.

After touching a hot stove you immediately withdraw your hand and step back What kind of reflex arc is involved Where are the receptors located and what is their function?

This type of reflex never in fact reaches the brain. The reflex arc begins with the perception of temperature, moves to the peripheral spinal chord, and is immediately sent back into a muscular contraction to move the hand away.

What is a withdrawal reflex?

A reflex that you have no control over that withdraws a limb from a painful or otherwise unpleasant situation, for example touching a hotplate. This is a reflex because the neural input doesn't go to your brain, it does a loop in your spinal cord and goes straight back from your fingertips to the muscles that move your hand away.

What is jerk?

A spasmodic, usually involuntary, muscular movement, as the reflex action of pulling the hand away from a flame.

If you were to put your hand on the stove what system would react?

it is actually called a "spinal reflex" and is sensed and processed by the spinal chord which sends out a motor message. that's how we move our hand away without actually feeling the heat or pain as it doesn't go as far as the brain

When your hand touches a hot stove you immediately pull it away. this action is controlled by your?

Spinal cord. It is called as reflex action.

A reflex like automatically removing your hand from a hot stove involves pain messages sent to the spinal cord by way of?

Um... Yes, it does. That isn't really a question....