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On Venus, the sulfur dioxide or sulfuric acid clouds absorb UV. In the laboratory, H3+ (the "ozone form of hydrogen") gas has been produced and it attacks many of the same molecules that ozone does. Nitrogen forms the ion "azide", but it is not terribly reactive.

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Q: Is there a molecule with characteristics similar to that of ozone?
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How is a molecule of ozone different from a molecule of atmospheric oxygen?

Ozone is a tri oxygen molecule. While the ozone layer is formed by the collection of large number of ozone molecules.

Is ozone a molecule of an element?

Ozone is a molecule. Its formula is O3.

What do you get when you remove 1 molecule from ozone?

You get nothing, since ozone is a molecule.

Is ozone organic?

No ozone is not organic molecule. It is a pure inorganic molecule.

The average relative mass of an ozone molecule is 48.0 you. An ozone molecule contains only oxygen atoms. What does this molecular weight indicate about the formula of the ozone molecule?

The ozone molecule (O3) has 3 oxygen atoms.

What happens when a CFC molecule comes near a ozone molecule?

When CFC molecule comes near ozone, it reacts with it. This leads to depletion of ozone layer.

What are found in the stratosphere?

The ozone molecule in found in the ozone layer. It is an allotrope of oxygen molecule.

Why ozone is molecule?

Ozone is O3. It is made up of 3 atoms so it is molecule.

What does the 3 in ozone stand for?

The ozone molecule is represented as O3. The no. 3 represent the no. of oxygen molecules present in the ozone molecule.

What supplies the ozone for the ozone layer?

Ozone is a trioxygen molecule. It is naturally fomed by the action of UV light on oxygen molecule.

Is ozone conductive?

No, ozone is not conductive. It is a dimagentic molecule.

Common name for O3?

O2 is just an oxygen molecule.