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The Ph. of all human blood is the same. Different races of people do not possess different Ph. balances of their blood.

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Q: Is there a significant difference in the blood pH of different human races?
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It depends on what kind of animal it is. If it is an amphibian, the red blood cells will have a nucleus. Human red blood cells do not have nuclei.

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There is no particular difference. The blood of each animal, including humans, will have some chemical differences from that of all other animals. The blood of a chimp is more like human blood than it is like dog blood and dog blood is more like human blood than it is like lizard or bird blood.

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Can a blood of cow be donated to human being?

Not at all. Cows have a completely different type of blood from what a human has, thus cannot be transfused from a bovine into a human without the blood from that cow being rejected by the body of that human.