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There is actually no cure that will work for every psoriasis patient. But, there are multiple remedies that can be tried to improve the state of psoriasis. Diet is important (try reading Pagano Diet and see what fits you), drinking herbal teas (calendula, viola tricoloris), meditating or exercising and maybe the most important of all - have a positive attitude! Last but not least, don't scratch and rip the patches of psoriasis because bleeding and infection can occur and your psoriasis will only get worse.

Try for one week not to look at your patches at all (even when you are bathing). Try not to touch them (only when you apply lotion or cream) and you will see improvements. The thing is that when you rip a patch removing the scaly skin, healthy skin is affected and the patch will only get bigger. Try to be busy all day long so that you don't think about psoriasis as much as before.

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Q: Is there any cure for psoriasis?
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Is there a cure to psoriasis and if so what are they or what are the treatments for it?

Sorry but there is no cure for psoriasis, but there are treatments that can help it. Steroid creams are available and can be used on most external areas. Consult your doctor for treatment.

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its very simple to cure psoriasis, so basically you need the natural way to get rid psoriasis scalp conditions and you will need to go and check out to help you with some psoriasis types

Can psoriasis spread?

No psoriasis is not contagious its genetic its caused by a mutated t cell and as of right now there is no cure just treatments

How do you get rid of psoriasis permanently?

You can't because there is no cure yet. Dermatologist are still trying to find a cure.

Does oregano oil help psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a genetic disease for which there currently is no cure but there is hope for a cure on the horizon. See a dermatologist, one that understands psoriasis. For some steroid creams work. Some people respond to light treatment. Some need a biologic medication.

Is Psoriasis a bacteria?

No, psoriasis is not caused by a bacterium, or an infection of any kind.

How is psoriasis caused by liver?

Psoriasis is not caused by liver in any possible way.

Does Japan have a psoriasis medicine?

Yes and so do all the other countries but it only helps out it doen't cure it.

Is there any permanent solution for psoriasis?
