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Um it was made from any fabric they could find, but it had to be low cost or no cost also bright colours

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Q: Jester clothing was made from in the middle ages?
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How was clothing made in the middle ages?

by hand

Where they get there clothes from in the middle ages?

Had them made or made them. They had to buy the fabric and then make the clothing.

How were bolts of cloth made in the middle ages?

the history of clothing is detailed in a timeline charting the history of fashion through the Medieval era of the Middle Ages. An overview of the major changes in dress and clothing are detailed in the link to Medieval fashion.

Why are tailors important to the middle ages?

In the middle Ages, the clothing defined one's status in the society. There was a pyramid kind of way of dressing in that those people who are on the leadership levels could not wear the same clothes as peasants.

What was the clothing of the middle colonies?

The clothing in the middle colonies was made out of cotton and linen. The wealthy had clothes that were made out of fine materials.

When were cushions made?

In the middle ages

What did prisoners wear in the middle ages?

In the Middle Ages, prisoners often wore simple and basic clothing made of coarse fabric. This could include a tunic, a loose-fitting garment, often made of wool or linen. Additionally, prisoners might be made to wear distinctive marks or symbols to signify their status as a prisoner.

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How did people in the middle ages get their clothes?

made them

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Who made the food in the Middle Ages?

peaaents and cooks made it