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To remove stones from the kidney, most doctors advise lithotripsy which uses sound waves to blast the stone into smaller pieces that are easier to pass. This is better and much easier to recover from than the invasive method of cutting into the kidney and removing the stones.

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15y ago
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15y ago

i have stones in both kidneys and i undergo Lithotripsy every 5 weeks. They give you gen anesthesia and shock the side of you and break the stones up. You can get anywhere from 3000 to 10000 shocks and its a big help

To my knowledge there are three options- (1) You'll be prescibed pain pills and pass the stone. (2) If the kidney stone is to large to pass, it may have to be surgically removed. (3) There is a certain chemical that can dissolve kidney stones.

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14y ago

Changes in your lifestyle and altering your diet are natural ways to start to attack the problem of kidney stone formation. The most commonly eaten foods, which should be avoided include: spinach, beets, peanuts, chocolate, sweet potatoes, green peppers, grapes, celery, red raspberries, and strawberries.

Drinking more water is an essential lifestyle change to prevent kidney stones from forming. Kidney stones can be dissolved by citric acid, which has been shown to eliminate hard materials which are the basis of kidney stones. Adding fresh lemon juice to water is a great way to naturally break down kidney stones.

Cranberries are another great fruit for dissolving kidney stones to gain kidney stone relief. Cranberries have often been used for urinary tract health and are very useful for helping prevent kidney stone formation.

Citrates, (found in fruit and vegetable juices such as orange and carrot) can help to reduce the formation of uric acid and calcium salts that are responsible for making up kidney stones. Cutting back on salt intake is also necessary to avoid a build-up of calcium, which can grow into kidney stones.

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12y ago

The fundamental principle in the treatment of kidney stones or best solution to cure kidney stones is to supply adequate fluids like water, coconut, barley water, fruit juices in order to ensure the passage of over 2000ml of urine per day.

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11y ago

Depending on the size of the stone, naturally passing a kidney stone is possible. Ureteroscopy can be used to remove the stone, or break it into smaller pieces for easier passing. Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy is used for larger stones. Sound waves are passed through the body to jostle and break up the stone for easier passing.

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7y ago

Most kidney stones will be small enough (no more than 4mm or 0.2in in diameter) to be passed out in your urine.

If a kidney stone is too big to be passed naturally (6-7mm in diameter or larger), you may need to have treatment to remove it another way.

The usual method is to treat the stone with extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) basicly shock waves of energy are targeted at the stone to break it into smaller pieces so it can be passed in your urine.

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Lvl 4
2y ago

Nephrolithiasis is defined as the creation of kidney stones in a certain scenario. It is a frequent and painful urological illness that affects people all around the world. Though some kidney stones move via the urine and out of the body, others disturb the urinary tract system's function, creating significant health concerns.

When the chemicals in the urine that prevent the production of crystals or hard masses in the urinary tract fail to operate properly, kidney stones form. Calcium is one of the most common elements discovered in these crystals, along with oxalate and phosphate in small concentrations. Struvite, uric acid stones, and cystine stones are examples of stones found in the urinary tract.

With the use of Homeopathy, kidney stones can be successfully removed from the body without surgery or harsh medicines. Dr. Positive Homeopathy's constitutional treatment aims to find the underlying cause of the problem and treat it with the most appropriate medication with no side effects or further suffering. For More Information Visit Dr. Positive Homeopathy Clinic in Hyderabad

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Lvl 4
1y ago

A kidney stone does not normally cause symptoms until it moves around inside the kidney or passes through one of the ureters. The tubes that link the kidneys and bladder are known as ureters.

A kidney stone caught in the ureters can obstruct the flow of urine, causing the kidney to enlarge and the ureter to spasm, both of which can be quite painful. You may encounter the following symptoms at that time:

Pain in the side and back, just below the ribs, is severe and intense.

Pain in the lower abdomen and groyne that radiates

Waves of pain with varying levels of severity

While urinating, you may experience pain or a burning sensation.

Urine with blood

Urination is necessary on a regular basis.

Urination causes a burning sensation.

If you have an infection, you will have a fever and chills.

If you have a temperature and chills, as well as pain while urinating, you should see a doctor very once. If left untreated, infections can cause serious damage to the kidneys, leading to chronic illnesses.


Metabolic illnesses that are passed down via the generations

Stones are formed when the amino acid cystine is consumed in excess.

Calcium-rich foods consumed in excess

Uric acid disorders

Vitamin D Deficiency in Gout

Infections of the urinary tract and obstruction of the system Certain treatments and drugs

Antacids with calcium as a main ingredient

Inflammation of the bowels that lasts a long time

Unsanitary living conditions and a poor nutrition

Kidney Stones Homeopathic Medicine

With the use of Homeopathy, kidney stones can be successfully removed from the body without the need for surgery or uncomfortable medicines. Dr. Positive Homeopathy's constitutional treatment aims to find the underlying cause of the problem and cure it with optimal medication that has no side effects or causes extra pain.

Get the Best Homeopathy Treatment for Kidney Stones in Hyderabad.

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11y ago

It could be laser treatment or perhaps if medication and increase fluids can solve it first.

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11y ago

Pee it out

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THERE ARE FOUR DIFFERENT TYPES OF KIDNEY STONES:>CALCIUM-OXALITE STONES: This is the most common type of kidney stone. It's caused by eating too much calcium or vitamin D; certain kinds of medicines, genetics, and other problems.STRUVITE STONES: This type of kidney stone happens more to females than males. It grows to be very large and harms kidneys more than others. If you have a kidney infection then that can also cause this type of kidney stone.URIC ACID STONES: Caused by eating too much animal protein. To cure it eat less red meat.CYSTINE STONES: This type of kidney stone is very rare. It blocks up muscles, nerves, and other body parts. It can build up in urine and form in to a stone; it also is caused by genetics.

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How to cure kidney stones 100% 100% curability of kidney stones. Berberis vulgaris extract... fifteen to twenty drops in 1/3 glass of water, four times a day. Cantharis 30c three drops per dose thrice daily. This will effect a cure in two to three months time. This will work, or you should speak to your local doctor about what you have.

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Kidney stone symptoms include horrible, blinding abdominal pain, bloody urine, trouble urinating, and I really can't stress this enough, it's pretty much more painful than anything you've ever experienced.

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