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Q: L'Oreal Casting Crème Gloss 550 Mahogany ingredients?
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What style is Cheryl coles hair?

cheryl coles hair colour is Casting Crème Gloss 550 Mahogany by L'Oréal Paris :) cost £6 from most stores such as superdrug , asda , chemists , might be cheaper in chemists about £5.50

Does lip gloss contain Vaseline?

I'm not sure but you can look on the ingredients on your lip gloss.

What are the chemical ingredients in lip gloss?


I have bleached hair but I want to dye it myself with loreal casting creme gloss radiant blonde can I use this hair dye over bleached hair?

yes you can but only leave on for 15 mins for best results, i use this myself and find if i leave on to long it goes a yellow colour, help this helps

Is homemade lip gloss better than store bought lip gloss?

yes because homemade has more natural ingredients

Can clinique lip gloss harm your lips?

Clinique lip gloss or lipstick cannot hurt or harm a person unless that person is allergic to any of the ingredients. Some ingredients include; polybutene and petrolatum.

Is lip gloss fair trade?

Not all lip gloss is fair trade. There are various ways that lip gloss can be called fair trade. It can be certified at the product level if all the ingredients are fair trade and it was manufactured in a way that meets fair trade certification. There is currently no lip gloss certified fair trade at the product level. If one is looking for ethically produced lip gloss, one can find lip gloss in which some of the ingredients may be fair trade or otherwise certified as ethically sourced. Dr. Hauschka and the Body Shop are examples of brands that use some ethically sourced ingredients. Additionally, lip gloss is more likely to be manufactured under humane conditions if it was made by a socially responsible company and in a country with strong enforcement of labor rights, such as the US or certain countries in Europe.

What lip gloss can you use to make you lips bigger?

Some lipglosses contain ingredients such as cinnamon to create plumper lips.

What are common household ingredients for making makeup?

A common household ingredient for making makeup such as mascara and lip-gloss or lip balm is Vaseline.

Does the temperature affect lip gloss and lip gloss?

It depends on the consistency and ingredients in the particular lip gloss. In general, when you get to higher temperatures, the gloss will become more fluid and liquid-like. In cooler temperatures, it usually doesn't have much of an effect. Some people say that it shortens the time that the lip gloss will last if it is in an extremely hot place for an extended amount of time, but if you don't leave it in a hot car or anything like that, I don't think temperature should have any major negative effects.

Where to get ingredients for lip gloss?

You can get it at Claire's. They have cherry, ice creme, vanilla frosting and more. Hope this helps :)

What makes lip gloss sticky?

A lip-gloss that is sticky usually has less oils compared to waxes in it. Certain ingredients a company uses will also make a lip-gloss "sticker". If you mix in oil, such as castor oil, it will thin the lip-gloss out, and it will not feel as sticky. Who ever wrote Vaseline really needs to do their homework BEFORE answering:)