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Q: Most Native Americans are have type O blood But the Zuni tend to have what blood type rarely seen among Native Americans?
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How did native Americans process their human waste?

native Americans had a very strong bond between anything that left their bodies. They would feel very connected to their "human waste" and would often times eat it again for fear of losing part of what made them who they were. this was also done with their blood and tears if they got a cut or if they started crying

Who were the original inhabitants of North America?

During the wars of conquest in the 16th century, the Spanish eradicated many of the Central American natives through warfare, and even more through the spread of European diseases. Those that were left were highly mistreated and used as slave labor, or paid very little. Through centuries of Spanish rule, the natives and the Spanish co-mingled and had children together. Spanish/native mixes are called "Mestizos", which most Central Americans are today. But there are still pure Native and pure Spanish blood around today.

How much native blood is needed to be part of the oneida indian tribe?


Were the Mayans Mexicans or native Americans?

Mayans were one of the earliest Native American civilizations. When the Mexica arrived (who are also native americans), their territories traded with each other. There had also been significant cultural exchanges between the Maya and the Toltecs (Chichen Itza, etc). In precolumbian times many people were multilingual, fluent in both Maya and Nahuatl(mexican) languages. Same with Zapotec, Mixtec, etc. Malinche was a famous bilingual Mexica woman. A "malinche" today is known by Mexicans as the whore who sold out their people and reduced them to their current impoverished state.

What happened to the native when the europeans came to America?

When the Europeans came over to the native Americans they spread a disease call "smallpox" it was spreading vastly and killed 200,000 people. The doctors finally found a cure and it was ok. But also the first thing the europeans did whille their stole the native Americans land

Related questions

What blood type are most African Americans?

The most common blood type among African Americans is O-positive, followed by A-positive. However, it is important to note that blood type distribution can vary among individuals and groups within any population.

What Native Americans used to string beads on to make jewelry?

they used the hide of animals and used their blood to color the beads

I heard that Native Americans prefer to have their own tribal doctors and hospital care is it due to the medical lack of knowledge of the Native American blood type and their physical makeup?

No, it more politically and culturally motivated. There is no general lack of medical knowledge pertaining to Native Americans, therefore no required specialty.

What was the evidence left behind chief howling wind?

DNA, like blood and ear wax, was found and was confirmed to be NAtive Americans.

What were the relationship between Native Americans and African Americans in the West during the Civil War and Reconstruction?

from ƝɨѕhҠѡe on yahoo answers:In the 1800's -1900's there was little understanding between Native Americans and African Americans.Firstly because generally Native Americans were an unknown population just as they are today, and African Americans were not able to freely form friendships/relationships with people outside their local area/residence. So basically they had very little contact.Secondly anywhere the 3 populations (Black, White and Native) were in close proximity, the White settlers tried to create friction between the Blacks and the Natives.For example in some areas (southern coastal US) Native Americans where paid to recapture runaway slaves. Which they did to prevent their people from being taken by the slave traders. Most people are unaware that there was an active trade in Native Americans slaves in the US. Regiments of African Americans soldiers were used to hunt and kill Native Americans. The Native Americans called them Buffalo Soldiers.The friction was created between the African Americans and Native Americans because the settlers feared if the African Americans and Native Americans united they would outnumber the White settlers and would wipe them out in an uprising.The story of Native Americans protecting African Americans slaves is not entirely true. Historically like today, Native American society did not have the "concept of difference" based on race or skin color. Difference based on skin color is a Euro concept. Tribes often extended tribal hospitality to both African American and White people who chose to reside with the tribe.Secondly the story that Native Americans protected runaway slaves and intermarried was promoted by African Americans to explain why some didn't look fully African American. It was seen as somewhat better to be part Native American than to be part White.That's why today some African Americans believe they have Native American blood, even though DNA has proven only about 2.9% African Americans actually have Native American blood..4 months ago (10-09-2011)

What are Native Americans culture?

Native American Traits have similar characteristics of Native people of the world.To assume that all Native Americans are dark in color is a huge misconception due to media , movies , etc.The Cherokee people are of mixed colors and many of them do not look like the stereo typical skin color , hair color , and even eye color as depicted in the media.On a molecular level having the alcoholism trait is a Native American trait, because of the lack of the enzyme that converts alcohol to the blood stream. That does not mean that all Native Americans are in the state of alcoholism...just that Native Americans LACK the enzyme that converts alcohol to the blood stream. This IS a trait solely in Native Americans.Fibromyalgia is also related to Native American ancestry as new studies are being done about the disease.Arthritis is also a Native American disease.

What is the most common blood type of African Americans?

Blood type AB is the most common among humans of all races. A and B blood types are about even for second place and Blood type O comes in third for least common.

What is the type of blood found very rarely?

blood type o

What blood group is found rarely in humans?

AB-negative is most rarely found.

Did Hispanics come from Asians?

Where did you get that from? Hispanics culturally came from the Spaniards with some minor stuff from Native Americans and Africans. Genetic-wise, they're a mix of European, Native American and Africans depending on the location. For example, Mexicans are mostly Native American and Spanish, Dominicans are a mix of all three with Spanish being the most predominant followed by African and minor Native American blood and Chileans having mostly European blood with some Native American. Asians had very minor influence on Hispanics although the Native Americans did come from Siberia but that was over 10,000 years ago.

Is it not Fact that the ruin of the U.S.A Native Americans was the Alchohal brought by Europeans and Drugs destroying faster than other Bloodtypes the O blooded physical bodied People?

It is fact that the ruin of the U.S.A Native Americans was the program of systematic extermination of the Native American people by Europeans who wanted their land. Europeans gave them guns to kill each other, blankets infected with smallpox that killed them, and destroyed the buffalo the Native Americans ate. And finally, we sent the Army to kill them. When all that didn't work, the US government just moved the Native Americans onto the worst land they could find and called that land "Indian Reservations." Google "trail of tears." IIRC A blood is more common in the Native American population than is O. B blood is really rare.

How did Michael Jackson feel about native Americans?

He felt for native Americans it is likt the song 'black or White'.