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Well, the answer could possibly be photosynthesis but that is with chlorophyll. ATP is a source of energy, also.!!

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12y ago

us for example hmans we need energy we cant live without it just picking up a pencil is using energy :)

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Q: Name a life process that requires energy?
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The process by which cells use energy to maintain life activities would be respiration.

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In scientific terms, food is essentially a complex form of energy. Organisms need to consume food in order to obtain energy. Energy is requires for the sustenance of life and for the continuation of the species. Almost every biological process requires energy. When we say food if digested, it means it is broken down to a simple form in order to get energy.

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it is through the mithocondrion which helps to release energy through a process of ATP

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Photosynthesis :)

All life depends on the availability of usable energy This energy is released when?

Answer: Cells carry out the process of respiration

What is the name of the process that releases energy in living organisms?

respirationrespiration :-)The process is known as respiration.respirationthe process is respiration. i hope this helped!If talking about the cell it would be Cellular Respiration :DRespiration :)It's metabolism or dissipation.

Why are hydrogen ions important to life?

Hydrogen ions, H+ , are important to life because they're essential to the processes of photosynthesis and aerobic respiration. The latter process is essential for all life. Chemiosmosis is the name given to the process of a flow of H+ causing some sort of energy flow.