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Q: Nursing responsibility on cystoclysis
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How do you do the cystoclysis?

Cystoclysis is the medical term for bladder irrigation. You do the process of cystoclysis by emptying the bladder in the first instance. Then bladder irrigation is carried out gently or aggressively by instilling 10 cc to 60 cc of fluid into the empty bladder.

Where is cystoclysis indicated?

Cystoclysis is performed within the bladder. This is basically a process of irrigating the bladder with normal saline to prevent clot formation.

What is the Nursing responsibility of skin cancer?

nursing responsibilities of skin cancer?

What are the nursing responsibilities on giving Tegretol?

It is a nursing responsibility to give proper dosage of Tegretol to a patient at the correct time intervals. It is also a nursing responsibility o check if the patient is a lactating mother, for the drug will harm the baby.

What is cystoclysis?

Cystoclysis is a continuous movement of the bladder with solution prescribed by the surgeon. Cystoclysis' purpose is to wash the bladder out and help in the process of removing blood clots after prostatic surgery.

What are the nursing responsibility on giving zinc sulfate?

Monitor for nausea and vomitting

What is Hallmark of nursing responsibility and accountability?

Health, being a fundamental right of every individual.

What are the nursing responsibility for patients before ecg?

physical exam:)

How professionalises can motivate nurses in their nursing responsibility?

all you have to do is remind them that their saving lives, and that would be it

When you admitted your mother into a nursing home you signed the admittance She has passed can the nursing home come after us for the remaining nursing home debt?

It is likely that they can. If you signed the paperwork, I'll bet it included responsibility for the costs and debts.

Is skin testing a nursing responsibility?

Yes it is the responsibility of the nurse to do the skin testing prior to giving any medications that could possibly cause severe anaphylactic reaction.

Is accountability a characteristic of nursing?

Accountability is a characteristic of all professions. In addition, responsibility, and accountability are tightly coupled.