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Q: Seahorses prey on what type of fish?
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To which animal group do seahorses belong?

Seahorses are a type of pipefish.

What do people think seahorses are?

People think seahorses are a type of horse and fish.

Can seahorses breathe in air?

No, seahorses can't. They are a type of fish, and get oxygen using gills.

Do seahorses have eggs or live birth?

it depends on the type of fish fish like sharks give birth to live young and fish like clown fish lay eggs

What fish characteristics do seahorses have?

Seahorses are fish that live underwater and breath with gills, and have fins.

Are seahorses mythology?

No. Seahorses are real creatures. They are a fish that is closely related to the pipe fish.

Why do people think that seahorses aren't fish?

Not everyone thinks that seahorses aren't fish!

Do seahorses ever go to the surface?

No, because seahorses are fish. And fish does not go up on land. And that is why seahorses does not go up on land.

What type of small fish do seahorses eat?

a sea horse eats Brine Shrimp unless if they are caught as wild seahorses then they eat frozen foods

What is the slowest breed of fish?

Sea Horses Of fish that actually move, seahorses are one of the very slowest. The waters are full of fish that never move--they burrow into the bottom, then wait for prey to just swim by.

What kind of fish can be in the same tank as dwarf seahorses?

Seahorses cannot live with other types of fish because seahorses are slow feeders and can't get their share of food before the other fish eat it all. Seahorses can live with other seahorses,though!

Can you put frogs and seahorses in the same aquarium?

Seahorses are salt water and frogs are fresh water, there are special aquariums for salt water fish type creatures.