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Q: Should there be a no cursing drug?
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What is the meaning of curse your tongue?

If someone says "curse your tongue," they are cursing the fact that you just said something you should not have said. They are cursing the fact that you spoke.

Does the birds in Angry Birds be cursing?

Yes, they be cursing.

How to pray and punish a person?

when praying, you should be thanking and praising, not cursing one another

Can you get banned for cursing online?

Yes. Cursing while you are online can get you banned.

What should you be doing during The Pledge of Allegiance?

Sleeping zoning out cursing not paying attention and anything unpatriotic!

Is there cursing on Total Drama Action?

No there is no cursing although on an Episode of tdaa there were words that they beeped out

What words shouldn't I Hear?

Swearing and Cursing words. Cursing and Swearing words. Like rape.

Is there any cursing in Syphon Filter Dark Mirror?

yes most definitely there is A LOT of cursing

How do you turn off cursing in black ops?

You can't. If the cursing bothers you, don't play the game.

What should Call of Duty really be rated?

It should still be rated "M"..... The moderate amounts of blood, gore and minimal cursing gets the title far.

Should call of duty be sutiable for little kids?

In my perspective, No. There is a lot of cursing and blood for little kids to be playing the game.

Is cursing a good thing?

well it depends on what kind of cursing you mean. if you mean cursing as in bad words, well its not a good thing but people still do it so who cares.and if u mean cursing like hexes and black magic, well they probably are bad but i do them and i know a lot of people who do. either way cursing no matter how you mean it is bad..but that doesnt stop me or anyone else.