

Best Answer

It is very possible that he is still upset about a divorce and he isn't ready to get serious. Try talking to him about it.

it's not about how long you's about when you are ready and how certain you are. Don't tell them that you love him/her if you are not certain. Be sure that it is love, and not infatuation. Love is often "misunderstood" by many. All i can say certain that it's love.

i say wait for awhile and make sure that you're really in love.

if you arent and you are always telling each other, "i love you" you will wind up BREAKING up and you will be CRUSHED. trust me...its happened to me before. :[[

Hi. There is not a time limit on love. I believe in love at first sight. But be careful. If you are younger it could be just a crush. A lot of people say wait three months of six months. But when you feel it it is right. Sometimes it happens very fast after starting to date some one esspcially if you were friends, hung out in the same group or have known each other for a long time. My boyfriend said I love you to me after six days of officially being boyfriend and girlfriend. I felt it after two. We went to high school together and hung out for hours on end alone before officially dating though. Wehung out with our fronds and shared a lot of common interests. He said I love you to me andthen later added that he realized it may be too early and that he did not expect me to say it back but he wanted to be honest about how he felt about me. We have now been together eight and a half months been though some tough times but everytimw it gets hard I try try to remember that first time he AAU I love you and the great times like that. So just remember to not say it unless you know in your heart it is true. You can always say how much you like a gurloe I really care about you without saying that you love her and it van be just as sweet

Hey, you should say it when you mean it. I was told once by a good friend when i asked her how do you know your in love and she told me "you know your in love when you never question whether or not you truly love that person" hope this helped man.

Me and my bf were together for a little over a month when he told me he loved me and i didnt say it back because i wasnt sure. he continued to say it all the time and i felt bed for not saying it back, he began to question my feelings because i wouldn't say it back so i told him how i felt and he was very understanding on our 3month annivarsary i said it i waited that long to make sure i meant it, we tell each other all the time now and i love him more than anything. i think you know your in love when someone asks you "well how do you feel about them?" and you just cant find the words to explain it, when you think about them every second you r not with them or talking to them, when you see someone else and you immediately compare them to your someone that's when i knew i was in love you don't have to say it until you mean it even if they say it explain to them how you feel and why your not saying it yet if they don't understand or they arent willing to wait then maybe they had the problem understanding their feelings

GOOD LUCK <3<3 Amanda.

Hey my name is SkinnyB!tch and here is what i think about your question. Its not the matter of time that counts when it comes to love, its the matter of how pure and true it is. Only your heart can tell you how you really feel about that person. I think you should tell the person your dating that you love him/her only when you truly feel it. And i don't mean the kind of "luv u" you say over the text or when you say bye to each other. I mean the type of "I love you" you say just when you feel like it, when you hold the person and look him/her straight in the eye and say it with the greatest confidence that no little thing can reassure. That is how to truly say i love you.

Like everyone else has previously stated, its not restricted to a set limit of time. In certain situations its different. My girlfriend didn't tell me she loved me until our three month either, but her reason was because she wasn't sure she loved me. I was completely understanding of that. I love her more today because she waited. However, some people know right away that they love a person, and others don't know for years. My mother married my father. They met in 7th grade and were best friends. During senior prom they went with different people, however at the end of the night my mother and father were dancing and she just blurted it out. So you see, you don't even have to date someone to KNOW you love them.

wait until your ready. and you think she or he is readyto hear it. when you are ready say I LOVE YOU that simple. if she or he laughs then ignore them. keep on saying I LOVE YOU and keep on ignore the laugh. then he or she should start realising you do love him or her then DATE. GOODLUCK

Friendly answer:

I think you fall to a sweet guy who don't keep on saying on how much he loves you but keep on showing it through his actions. That is very sweet.

:Based on my personal experience, i would suggest you take some time into this relationship without any hurry. I was in the same situation and later i realized that he never loved me, it was just that he was going through a bad time and i became his emotional support.

I am not saying to be negative, but think over it thoroughly. I hope you will have good experience, Good Luck...


There is nothing wrong with you telling him he loves you and him feeling uneasy about saying it back. He is recently divorced! I'm sure he's hurt and afraid about telling another woman he loves her after he was married to another. He's probably feeling like maybe the same would happen with you. Don't like it bother you too much, alright?


Ask yourself questions: how many times do people abuse the word "love" aka puppy love, mixed emotions etc. Love is not so much what the verbiage can possess. Love is really actions. it shows when one loves us. i would be discerning to evolve a relationship when one is in "turmoil" going through a divorce. I always councel the ones who after so many years of compiling partners one after another. Now they are alone and have to begin to love self alone and reach self awarness, finally break free of emotional attachments and heal from past relationships to evolve openly and trusting into the future relationships with clarity of purpose. Take care. Justicecolino

Never date someone during their divorce in the first place. This will save you a lot of heartache and doubt.

he just got out of a things are moving fast for him . hee still has feelings for his old wife , what did you expect?

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Q: Started dating him during his divorce and four months later I have told him I love him and he said he thinks it all the time but is uneasy about saying it?
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