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Diffraction. You can hear people talking around the corner because Sound waves do not always travel in a straight line and sound waves spread out after passing throught a doorway. :)

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Q: What is the bending of sound waves around a corner and the reason people can hear others talking around a corner?
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What is a magnetic chain reaction?

a magnetic chain reaction is a dik that when turn around by its magnet and then others turn as well.

Which is not an insulator?

As the "materials listed below" are not given, insulators are poor conductors of heat or electricity. On a periodic table, insulators tend to be towards the top right corner, so metals tend to not be examples of good insulators that comprise most of the periodic table with the exception of the nonmetals (top right corner, hydrogen). The metallic elements tend to end in -ium, such as aluminium, sodium, gallium, and francium. Others are gold, silver, copper, zinc, and nickel.

How do you know when someones crushing on you?

The eyes tell it all. The way they stare at you when you pass by, the way they look at something as soon as you look at them and then how they stare out from the corner of their eyes just to see if you are still looking at them; it is a sure shot way of determining that person has a crush on you.The way a girl or a guy is talking with friends but suddenly calms down when you pass by them is also an indication that the person has a soft corner for you. Also, mostly the friends will look at you and the person who has a crush on you and smile wickedly!If a person has a crush on you, most likely he/she will not talk to you the way they do with others. With you, there will be a hint of hesitation a slight amount of shyness and the tone would be more subdued and soft.A person who has a crush on you may not really pursue you forcefully or keep following you but will somehow make it to important events that you will be attending. Be it lunch at Starbucks or movies or aconcert or even just going to the library, that person will be there and may even pass an occasional shy smile at you.If these points don't work, you might as well go upto that person if it is bothering you so much and ask if he/she has a crush on you. Don't really ask it point blank, try talking general stuff and casually just ask if that person likes someone. You may be in for a surprise!

Why do you think it is important for someone to understand the difference mass and weight?

Because if you're working with one of them or talking about it, and you call it by the name of the other one, your statements will be meaningless and misleading to others, you'll get the wrong answers to problems involving mass and weight, you'll become completely flustered if you ever leave the Earth and one changes while the other doesn't, and if there's anyone around who actually knows the difference, you may become the object of derision and scorn, which is no fun let me tell you.

Are all forces equal?

No, some are stronger than others. Some have different advantages than others.

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No corner of the basement is safer than any of the others. It used to be believed that the southwest corner was safest, but that notion is outdated.

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Mouthing (saying) words, rotation of head, bending of knees, and 5 others.

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It stops you talking to yourself.

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Depends on what type of spider you're talking about. Some Spiders spin webs and wait for insects to fly into them. Others hide underground and pounce when an insect walks past. Still others prowl around actively hunting for insects.

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Could be he is a VERY shy person when it comes talking to women when he isn't around others. You should talk to him first (if you care enough, or want to deal with it) and make him more comfortable around you.

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