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Q: The term canon refers to works that are generally accepted as being the best of a of art?
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The term canon refers to works that are generally accepted as being the best of what?

Broad category. Apex (:

The term canon refers to works that are generally accepted as being the best of a what art?

Broad category.

What is the canon of Scripture?

The "canon" of scripture refers to an authoritative list of books accepted as Holy Scripture such as the Old and New Testaments of the Bible.

What is canon of scripture?

The "canon" of scripture refers to an authoritative list of books accepted as Holy Scripture such as the Old and New Testaments of The Bible.

What is literary canon?

A group of literary works that are generally accepted as representing a field.The literary canon is a collection of works and authors who have a general seal of approval from academic and cultural establishments.These are the writers and works that are often referred to as Literature and which everyone is supposed to read and revere. Apex - They reflect the values of those who compile them

Is there an accepted canon of sutras across Buddhism or within the sects?

Yes, an accepted canon of sutras in Buddhism is the Mahayana sutra.

What is the list of books accepted by a particular faith as being fundamental true having authority and sacred called?


What is another word for canon?

Another word for canon is "standard" or "accepted."

When was NT canon accepted?

AD 190

Did shakespeare wrote great canon of plays?

Shakespeare (capital letter for name) wrote (this is past tense, you should have said 'write) many plays which could be seen to be part of a Canon. However, the notion of the 'Canon' is very flexible, and will vary from one group of people to another. Shakespeare's works are generally accepted as part of the Canon of English Literature.

The term canon refers to what?

a collection of representative works.

What term refers to the notion that a community has authorized a collection of written material and made it official?

Canon. The term is canon.