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Q: The undesirable and unintended contamination of the environment by the manufacture or use of commodities is commonly referred to as?
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What type of sales tax is often placed on undesirable commodities or luxury goods?

combustion tax

What are The definitions of pollution?

**Undesirable and unwanted change in the physical,chemical or biological characteristics of our environment i.e.,air,water and soil(land),that may or will adversely affect humans or other species of our biosphere directly or indirectly. **Pollution is contamination by a chemical or other agent that renders part of the environment unfit for intended or desired use. **Pollution is the contamination of earth's environment that contaminates and interferes with human health and ecosystem functioning.

Do the undesirable results of radios affect the environment?


What method of controlling undesirable insects involves introducing their natural enemies into the environment?

Commercial, conventional production controls undesirable insects through the use of chemicals. Organic production tries to control them by mechanical, cultural, botanical and organic spray, and biological means. For example, biological controls involve the introduction, or encouragement, of natural enemies in the environment that's being ravaged by the undesirable insect. These enemies are predators, and their prey is the undesirable insect. The predators also are called beneficial insects, for the benefit that they bring of an environment that's back in balance. One of the best known of the predatory, beneficial insects is the ladybug, who is the voracious biological control to the most undesrable aphid.

Who causes pollution?

whichever organism releases an undesirable waste substance into the natural environment above the accepted level causes pollution.

What is a undesirable in the garden?

an undesirable in your garden is a weeg

What term describes any matter or energy released into the environment that causes undesirable impacts on the health and well-being of humans or other organisms?

Pollutants, or pollution.

What undesirable in Tagalog?

The word "undesirable" in Tagalog can be translated as "di-kanais-nais" or "hindi-iniiwasan."

What does undesirable writers mean?

they are undesirable and they shouldn't get their books published......

How do you use undesirable in a sentence?

The undesirable results were caused by the temperature and humidity. The parents considered the match to be undesirable and wanted him to leave.

What is undesirable?

An example of undesirable friction is when a cyclists falls and his face against pavement that skin on the road. Undesirable friction is something that is not controllable.

What are the factors of revenue is decreasing?

* Increased Competition * Decreased Market size * Undesirable change in the legal / governmental environment * Inefficient production or management * Lack of sales ability