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jesus was the incarnation of god. that is because god was there like way back and jesus on the other hand came at a much later stage. in other words he was gods "form" when he came on earth to help the people.

no The gospel of John says, In the beginning was The Word, and The Word was with God and The W ord was God. By him were all things created,and nothing was created without him. And The Word became flesh,and dwelt among them and they knew him not. Genesis begins In the beginning was God. Jesus stated many times My Father and I are One.

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Q: Was God the incarnation of Jesus or Jesus the incarnation of God?
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I believe that most Christians will assert that Jesus Christ is the incarnation of "Yahweh" - the God of the Old Testament.

What does god's incarnation mean?

God took on human flesh (was incarnated) in the person of Jesus Christ.

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It depends on the religion. In Christianity, Jesus is considered God and not a prophet because he is an incarnation of God Himself. In Islam, Jesus is considered to be prophet and not God Himself because God is singular and does not have associates.

What is the meaning of the word incarnation in-connection with theology?

Theology is the study of religion. Incarnation in the theological sense is the human embodiment of a divine being or idea. Take, for instance, Jesus Christ. Jesus was said to be the incarnation of the spirit of God and all that was good.

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The definition of incarnation is a deity in human flesh. Jesus was.

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Because many people do not believe that Jesus was the only son of God, and one with the Father.

What is the theological term that names the mystery that Jesus is both fully God and fully human?

The Incarnation.

What is the reality of God's word becoming a human Jesus Christ known as?

* Emanuel which means 'God is with us.' * The term used is 'Incarnation.'

How do you use incarnation in a sentence?

Within the Hindu's faith, the cycle of incarnation still continues today.The Bible calls Jesus the one and only Son of God that came to earth in the form of a human being. This incarnation was intended to reconcile sinful man to the holy God.

How did it take place Incarnation?

The Incarnation refers to the belief that God took on human form in the person of Jesus Christ. It is a central doctrine in Christianity, with the New Testament stating that Jesus was both fully God and fully human. This event is understood as God's way of bridging the gap between God and humanity, enabling reconciliation and salvation.

What is the incarnation referred to Athanasius book?

It is the incarnation of Jesus Christ.

How would a rabbi and a priest interpret the claim that Jesus is the incarnation of God?

Unless the rabbi was a Messianic Jew he would disagree. A Catholic priest would agree with the claim that Jesus was God.