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There are a total of 18 snipers on the game Seal Team 6.

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Q: Is their a sniper on seal team 6?
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Seal team 6

What is the best sniper school in the world?

The top ten sniper schools are Civilian Sniper School,SEAL SNIPERS Navy,Navy SEAL Sniper School,Army SEAL Sniper School,Airforce SEAL Sniper School and Sniper School.

Is a navy seal sniper a full time sniper or does he do some infantry missions?

A navy seal sniper is a full time sniper. A sniper is a infantry mission.

What is harder to become a SEAL sniper or a SEAL ground soldier?

Becoming a sniper is a very challenging training regimen. Becoming a SEAL is also a very difficult training program to complete successfully. You don't have to got to sniper school to become a SEAL.

What is safer navy seal sniper or navy seal infantry man?

Some people think that a Navy Seal Sniper is safer than Navy Seal Infantry. Some people think that Navy Seal Infantry is safer than a Navy Seal Sniper.

Can a Navy SEAL become a sniper then an officer if he has an education?

A Navy SEAL can become a sniper, then an officer if he has an education.

How long does it take to get into seal team 6?

There is a few things you have to do to be a Navy Seal and on team 6. You will have to start with joining the Navy.

Is navy seals and seal team 6 didfferent?

SEAL Team 6 is one of several SEAL units in the U.S., Navy Special Operations Forces, manned by SEAL's and SWCC's.

Where is seal team 6 based?

SEAL team 6 does no longer exist under the name "SEAL team 6" they are now called the "naval special warfare development group" or DEVGRU. But they are based out of Virginia Beach, VA.

How do you become a SEAL sniper?

First you have to be in the Navy, then accepted into the SEAL unit. Then sign up for training as a sniper, then pass and get accepted.

What is the best SEAL team besides SEAL team 6?

There are multiple highly skilled and elite SEAL teams within the U.S. Navy, including SEAL Team 1, SEAL Team 3, and SEAL Team 5. These teams have proven their capabilities in a range of missions and are widely regarded as some of the best in the world after SEAL Team 6. It's important to note that different SEAL teams specialize in different areas, so the "best" team may vary depending on the specific mission or objective.

Did the USA government set off the attack on SEAL team 6?

The United States government did not st up the attack on SEAL team6. SEAL team 6 are members of the U.S. government's military.