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$3-5000 per day.

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Q: What's the salary for pawn shop owners?
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How much do pawn shop owners make?

Depends on where they're located and how much stuff they have on loan or in pawn.

What can pawn shop owners do with pawns while still in pawn?

it depends on the state you are in. If you are in in a "buy sell state" then the pawn broker is the owner of the item(s) until you pay your interest or get it out. If you are in a state which a "traditional pawn shop" can operate then the items are yours until you default.

Where can you get Owners manual for 12 gauge model 101.5380d?

Want ad, gun shop, gun show, pawn shop

Whats the salary for owning a skateboardshop?

Shop owners don't usually get a salary. They get the profits. Often they will have a set draw against the profits, but that doesn't help if the shop isn't making money. That's one of the reasons business is such a risk. If you can't make enough money, the owners don't get any money. They have to pay all the bills and workers before they can pay themselves.

How do pawn shop owners make money?

Pawn shop dealers not only receive interest on the money loaned to you when you buy back your possession, but they sell items that have not been repurchased for fees exceeding the original loan amount.

Do pawn shops buy broken PSPs?

While it depends on the shop owners, normally pawn shops don't buy items they can't sell. Because no one wants a broken PSP, a pawn shop is unlikely to purchase one from a seller.

Whats the yearly salary for a shop assistant?

Depends upon your manager and how hard you work and how much you work.

Where can you pawn something?

at a pawn shop

What actors and actresses appeared in Pawn Queens - 2010?

The cast of Pawn Queens - 2010 includes: Tom Brunzelle as Co Pawn Shop Owner Roberta Chung as Pawn Shop Patron Joe DeBartolo as Pawn Shop Patron Shannon Edwards as Browser Darren Elliot Fulsher as Pawn store customer Minda Grabiec as Co Pawn Shop Owner Greg Holloway as Co Pawn Shop Owner Don Kress as Pawn Shop Patron Babs Moran as Babs Nikki Ruehl as Co Pawn Shop Owner

How old do you have to be to enter a pawn shop?

you have to be years old to enter a pawn shop no one knows this answer but if you go to a pawn shop and you are at leat 30 you can find this answer

What does a pawn shop buy?

Although each pawn shop is different, most pawn shops will buy anything of value.

When was Pawn Shop from Heaven created?

Pawn Shop from Heaven was created in 1996-01.