

What Three forces that act on plates to make them move?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What Three forces that act on plates to make them move?
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Convergent plates move towards each other, causing alot of compressional forces. Divergent plates move away from each other causing alot of tensional forces.

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They move towards each other.

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The plates move slowly. Three centimeters a year.

What 3 forces possibly move tectonic plates?

convection currents

Does the sun makes Earth's plates move past each other?

No. The plates move due to forces within earth, likely a combination of mantle convection, and the uneven distribution of weight on the plates.

What happens to plates above rising convection currents?

the large amount of energy forces the two plates to move apart

Does magnetism make the tectonic plates move?

No(see the explanation of the question "Why do the tectonic plates move?"

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convergent boundaries: plates move together divergent boundaries: plates move apart transform boundaries: plates move against each other

The Earth's tectonic plates are in constant motion due to several factors Temperature and density differences in the plates cause push and pull forces that move the plates?

The volcanic activey under the crust causes the tectonic plates to move

What are Hawaii internals forces?

As the plates move move away, the volcano stops erupting and a new one is formed in its placed.

What forces causes the plates to move?

Ridge push, slab pull, and convection.

What happens when two plates move apart from each other?

what happends when to plates move apart they make volcanos