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The mental effects of marijuana, more properly called cannabis, are subtle in comparison to other drugs. Although experiences vary, cannabis generally causes euphoria, increased heart rate, and a peaceful and cheerful disposition. Users often claim that every experience is improved while under the influence of cannabis. Often, users are prone to fits of laughter and contemplation of new and/or unusual ideas. Cannabis causes the user to be more comfortable while in pain, have a healthier appetite, and have an increase in sexual desire. While the first time user may find difficulty performing everyday tasks under cannabis' influence, most people have no trouble whatsoever. Contrary to anti-cannabis ads, a 2004 study published in the journal Accident, Analysis and Prevention reported that "No increased risk for road trauma was found for drivers exposed to cannabis."

On the other hand, there are drawbacks to the use of cannabis. Heavy users have a tendency to seem lost in thought as if in a trance, causing others to perceive them as stupid or slow-witted. They tend to watch more television and play more Video Games than a non-user and often lack motivation to do daily tasks. Although cannabis is technically not addictive, it can quickly assimilate into part of the user's character, leaving them feeling incomplete while sober. Daily users who must go without can become agitated and/or depressed. Chronic users are also often more apathetic or inconsiderate of people around them, causing relationship problems. Smoking cannabis can cause lung problems just as smoking anything can, although less than chemically-treated cigarettes. Excessive use will lead to a build up of resin in your lungs causing frequent coughing and infrequent chest pain. Using a vaporizer or consuming it in food or pill form will help avoid this problem. Contrary to common belief, cannabis does not increase your desire to try harder drugs. Prescription drug users are more likely to graduate to harder drugs than cannabis users. Cannabis users are also not more likely to commit crimes, other than the obvious crime of possessing the drug. Possession of cannabis can lead to hefty fines, jail, and even prison, and parents who use cannabis risk losing custody of their children.

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15y ago

The psychological effects of marijuana include sedation, relaxation, and euphoria. It may disturb the sense of balance and reduce aggression. Persistent marijuana smoking is incompatible with serious training because it tends to demotivate exercisers.

Many people argue that, compared to alcohol, marijuana is harmless and should be legalized. But its harmless nature has been seriously questioned recently. Chronic over-indulgence has been linked to a number of disorders and possible addiction.


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