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He didn't. If you have to try, it's not natural selection anymore.

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Q: What animal did Charles Darwin use to try Natural selection?
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What animal did Charles Darwin study to develop his theory of natural selection?

A finch

How have animal populations changed over time?

Charles Darwin Theory of natural selection

What theory is Charles Darwin Known for?

Charles Darwin was best known for his theory of evolution. He wrote the book The Origin of Species. He is known for his journey on the Beagle, and for developing the theory of adaptation and natural selection. Animal species evolved into their current state--humans probably developed from primates to neanderthals to Homo sapiens.

What was Charles Darwin's theory regarding plant and animal life?

All plants and animals have gradually evolved over time through a process called natural selection.

What book addressed the mutation of plants and animal life over time?

'On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection , or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life .' - Charles Darwin

What impact did Charles Darwin have on the world of science?

Charles Darwin came up with not only the theory of evolution but also the theory of natural selection. Darwin met much controversy for his assertion that man evolved from a lesser animal species because it contradicted the then-accepted religious explanation of human creation by God.

How do you describe Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection?

The natural production of variation within an animal species and the survival (and by implication breeding) of the fittest variants.

Biography of Charles Darwin?

he studdied animal addaptions

What did Charles Darwin observe?

animal specieshuman species

Who is the English sociologist who proposed that there is parallelism between how society evolves in the same manner as animal species do.?

The English sociologist who proposed that societies evolve in a manner similar to how animal species do is Herbert Spencer. He developed the concept of Social Darwinism, which applied ideas from Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection to societies.

Main contribution of Charles Darwin to sociology?

Charles Darwin's main contribution to sociology was his theory of evolution, which emphasized the interconnectedness of all living beings and suggested that society, and human behavior, could be understood through the same principles that governed natural selection and adaptation in the animal kingdom. This theory laid the foundation for sociological understandings of social change, cultural development, and the interplay between biology and society.

Charles Darwin theory of evolution explicitly rejected the dogma of special creation?

Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection did not explicitly reject the theory of special creation. It implicitly rejected it. Darwin did not directly attack or reject special creation in his book "The Origin of Species," where he first outlined his theory. Instead, by claiming that all life evolved from simple organisms, through natural process, in response to their environment, he advanced a theory that explained how plant and animal life without divine intervention. Because special creation explicitly cites divine intervention as the mechanism for the development of plant and animal life, Darwin's theory undermined its central premise.