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Convergent collision and convergent subduction. Convergent collision collides and forms mountains. Convergent subduction subducts and forms trenches.

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Q: What are 2 different convergent boundaries?
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How are convergent boundaries different from divergent boundries?

convergent boundaries collide but divergent boundaries move away from each other.

The boundary formed between 2 plates that are colliding?

a mountain forms

How are convergent boundarys different from divergent boundarys?

convergent boundaries collide but divergent boundaries move away from each other.

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The names of the three different plate boundaries are: Convergent, Divergent, and Transform.

What are the 3 different boundaries?

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What are the different plate boundaries?

Convergent, divergent, and transformal

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The three types of convergent plate boundaries are Oceanic-Oceanic, Continental-Continental, Continental-Oceanic.

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What are the three types of convergent plate boundries?

The three types of convergent boundaries are when two plates meet and two oceanic plate meet, or where an oceanic and continental plate meet.the three types of convergent boundaries are continent boundaries , continent - ocean boundaries, and last but not least............. ocean boundaries

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