

What are Melons grown in?

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8y ago

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Vines on farms.

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Q: What are Melons grown in?
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Can you grown melons in the UK?

Yes you can I think

Is rosemary grown in Colorado?

Yes, and peaches and cherries and apples and melons.

What are the top three crops grown in Arizona?

Cotton, Alfalfa, and honeydew melons.

What Crops Are Grown In Sudan Africa?

beans, wheat, melons, peanuts, pumpkins, and eggplants

Where are horned melons grown?

Native Range: Native to Africa. The horned melon is now grown commercially on all continents (aside from Antarctica).

Can you grow square watermelons?

Yes, square water melons are grown in a special made box. They're popular in Japan.

Are oranges the only crop grown in Florida?

No oranges are not the only crop grown in Florida. They also grow: sugar, citrus, lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers, along with melons and potatoes.

What are crops grown in California?

almonds, strawberries, melons, avocadoes, artichokes, garlic, raisins, lettuce, grapes, grain, just about everything!

Where are melons from?

Honeydew was originally produced in France, and now it is found all over the world. Currently, it is most cultured in southern France and also in California. The growing season there is from August to October. Since both these regions are semiarid in climate conditions, honeydew is most successfully grown here.

What was new york state pre industrial agriculture activities were based around?

Corn was a staple crop grown in new York state. Melons and squash were also grown on colonial era farms.

How are seed melons different from other melons?

Melons with seeds are fruit

Are armadillos melons?

No, armadillos are not melons. Armadillos are animals and melons are fruit