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The fox is not an animal which is heavily adapted to one environment or lifestyle, and this may be one of the secrets of its widespread success and its ability to survive in different environments. Like all carnivores it needs sharp senses, (sight, hearing and smell). It sees very well in low light. They are extremely good at pouncing accurately and have long back legs to facilitate this. They can run fast and have great stamina. They have adapted to the unpredictability of their food supply by caching stores of food.

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there fur turns white and its really fluffy

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Q: How do foxes adapt to winter weather?
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What seasonal adaptations the fox has to survive the summer?

Foxes adapt to winter by growing more fur and some do it by changing color.

Do fennec foxes store food for the winter?

They dig a hole in the sand and wait for the weather to warm up.

What time of year do red foxes mate?

Yes, both red foxes and gray foxes mate but not with each other.

How do grey foxes survive the winter?

The gray fox remains active all winter, only retiring to a den if the weather gets severe. They continue hunting for prey just as they would during the summer.

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Hot weather

Do foxes give birth in the winter?

No, foxes generally give birth in the spring.

How do foxes protect themselves from weather?

Foxes have thick fur that helps keep them warm. They also have burrows for shelter from bad weather.

How do animals adapt to hot weather?

They adapt by getting use to the hot weather and they know their way around to get there.:]

What do foxes do during the winter?

I'm not really sure I understand what your question means, did you mean why or how? I'll take a guess at a general answer. Winter affects all animals by the cold weather, but native animals are adapted to it, so they grow thicker coats of fur or fatten up for winter to hibernate. Foxes don't hibernate, so they are one that grows thicker fur. More important effect is how the weather changes what foods are available. Lack of food, not temperature, is what sends most migratory animals south. Animals like foxes are predators that don't migrate and they eat mostly rodents and rabbits. Some rodents hibernate in the winter, so they are harder for foxes to find and deep snow might make hunting more difficult.

Do gray foxes prefer shady places or places without shade?

In hot weather they prefer the shade. In cold winter temperatures they occasionally like to sun themselves.

How do toucans adapt to the weather changes?

toucans adapt by migrating

How does storing food in the winter help a squirrel adapt to cold weather?

It doesn't have to leave it's shelter so, it's all curled up and not hungry.