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extensor digitorum, extensor indicis, extensor digiti minimi, flexor digitorum superficialis, and the flexor digitorum profundus. There are also extrinsic muscles that work only in the thumb; these include the flexor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis brevis, and adbuctor pollicis longus

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Q: What are all tendons in the human hand?
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Where is the tendon located?

The human body contains many tendons. Tendons attach skeleton muscles to bone. Ligaments, on the other hand, attach bones to other bones.

Which limbs of a human have tendons in them?

All the limbs of a human have tendons in them. Tendons are strong cords of fibrous connective tissue that attach muscles to bones, allowing for movement of the limbs.

What connects to your muscles?

Muscles are attached by tendons (with a few exceptions). The muscles are attached to the tendons by a musculo-tendonious junction. The tendons are a part of the muscle that tapers off to a strong tendon. These tendons are what makes the fingers move and are so important in all movement of the body, ie, foot, mouth, elbow, hand and wrist.,,what makes these tendons work are impulses from the brain that sends a message to the muscle that the tendon is attached. This is called a motor function........makes sense doesn't it.

The human rectus abdominis is definitely divided by four transverse tendons. These tendons are absent or difficult to identify in the cat. How do these tendons affect the human upright position?

These tendons affect the human upright posture by supporting the abdominal muscular wall. The viscera are then not allowed to become pendulous while the human is in an upright posture.

Organs of skeletal?

Cartilage , ligaments, tendons and Bones are all organs of the human skeletal system.

What is one of the thickest tendons in your body?

The Achilles tendon is one of the thickest tendons in the human body.

What holds the human bones in their places?

ligaments and tendons

Why do your hand get stiff when it gets cold?

because when your hand gets cold your tendons, skin, muscle, and other parts of your hand condenses (like when water turns to ice) thus making it harder for you to move your hand with less elasticity in your skin and tendons.

Are all muscles attached to tendons?

Yes and all tendons connect bone to muscle :)

What parts of the body tend to get tendonitis?

tendons that commonly become inflamed include: tendons of the hand, tendons of the upper arm that effect the shoulder, Achilles tendon and the tendon that runs across the top of the foot

Do we have a human part that doesn't have vein in it?

Fingernails & hair. The cornea. Tendons.

How many muscles to lift a finger?

There are no muscles in the human finger. The muscles that bend the finger are located in the palm and in the mid forearm, and are connected to the finger bones by tendons, which pull on and move the fingers.