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In Fiji, there certain people who from ancient times have the gift to heal, from touching the year for three days. This type of healing is by the use of supernatural powers but not witchcraft. I had mumps and through a Fijian lady touching my ear for three days, I was able to hear again from my left ear. When you are in Fiji, just ask a Fijian man or lady, they would probably know where a person with supernatural powers is living and you can go there and they will do it for free, however is would be courteous to give a gift afterwards.

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11y ago

Unfortunately, in most cases hearing loss does not improve. However, some types of hearing loss can be caused by problems which may be treated medically, such as ear infections or a perforated ear-drum. These types of loss can often improve. If the loss is a nerve loss, as is most hearing loss, it is not likely to get better.

there are no cures. only aids that can help Improve their ablility to hear. Hearing aids and cochlear implants

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Hearing loss at birth can also be caused by pre-birth infections such as measles, cytomegalovirus, or herpes simplex virus.

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What Caused by damage to the eardrum or by constant exposure to loud noise?

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Can hearing aids relieve hearing loss caused by tinnitus?

No, it just makes you hear as well as other human beings.

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It's possible to have permanent hearing loss.

How can a bacterial infection cause hearing loss?

Sudden hearing loss--at least 30dB in less than three days--is most commonly caused by cochleitis, a mysterious viral infection.

Does mumps cause weight loss?

Through loss of appetite; yes.

What causes hearing impairment?

Typical permanent hearing loss is due to damage caused to the eardrum, which can include scaring or perforation, normally caused by exposure to loud noises. Typical temporary hearing loss is normally due either to waxy buildup on the outside of the eardrum (DO NOT TRY TO CLEAR THIS YOURSELF), or a buildup of pressure on the inside wall of the eardrum. There are countless other types of temporary and permanent hearing loss and reduction, consult a medical professional if you even suspect your hearing may be degrading. Many types of hearing loss are preventable if caught in the early stages.