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ac ... ante cibum... Take medication before meals

ad lib... ad libitum... Take the medication as much as desired

ad ... auris dextra... Use medication in right ear

as ... auris sinistra... Use medication in left ear

au ... auris uterque... Use medication in both ears

bid... bis in die... Take medication twice a day

hs... hora somni... Take medication at bedtime

IM... intramuscularly... inject the medication into the muscle

IV... intravenously... inject the medication into a vein

od... oculus dexter... Use medication in right eye

os... oculus sinistra... Use medication in left eye

ou... oculus uterque... Use medication in both eyes

po... per os... Take medication by mouth

pr... per rectum... Take the medication rectally

pc... post cibum... Take medication after meals

prn... pro re nata... Take medication as needed

q3/4/6h... quaque 3/4/6 hora... Take medication every three hours

qd... quaque die... Take medication every day

qid... quarter in die... Take medication four times a day

sl... sublingual... Dissolve medication under the tongue

SQ... subcutaneously... Inject the medication under the skin

tid... ter in die... Take medication three times a day

top... topically... apply to the skin

ud... ut dictum... as directed

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Q: What are examples of prescription abbreviations?
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The RxList drug medical dictionary contains definitions and explanations of many medical terms including prescription medication abbreviations.

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Fill On Arrival (Don't start filling the prescription until the patient is in the pharmacy.)

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Xanax is written correctly in the question. There are no abbreviations for drug names - that would be too dangerous.

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Apocopated words - to cut the word/shorten the word examples: Gym (for Gymnnasuim) Mic (for Microphone) remember: apocopated words are different with abbreviations. Abbreviations uses a dot ( . ) at the end of the word that is shorten. Ex: Engr. (for Engineer) Dr. (for Doctor) =)

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The abbreviations are PL.

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Acronyms. AIDS is an acronym for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome and MRI is an acronym for Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

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The state abbreviations of (ME) isMAINE

Can you use abbreviations for scrabble?

No, abbreviations are not allowed in Scrabble.

What are the example of apocopated words?

Apocopated words - to cut the word/shorten the word examples: Gym (for Gymnnasuim) Mic (for Microphone) remember: apocopated words are different with abbreviations. Abbreviations uses a dot ( . ) at the end of the word that is shorten. Ex: Engr. (for Engineer) Dr. (for Doctor) =)

Why does ss mean half in nursing?

ss is an abbreviation for the Latin "semis." However, it is a common abbreviation found on list of abbreviations to abandon, since it may be confused with "55" on a prescription, with the potential for inappropriate dosing.