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A gentile is anybody who is not a Jew. So a gentile Christian is a Christian who is not a Jew.

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after jesus died did gentiles become christians

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Q: What are gentile Christians?
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What two aspects of the Jewish law did the gentile Christians object to following?

There were three major aspects of Jewish Law that Gentile Christians did not want to follow: Shabbat, Kashrut, and Male Circumcision.

Who are the first Christians?

The Gentile followers of Paul in Antioch, Turkey. Acts11:26.

Which apostle believes Gentile Christians should follow the laws of Judaism?


Who are the significant people of Christians?

Of course, Jesus the true human and divine, the apostles the one who sent, the disciples including the gentile Christians.

Why was the distinction between Jew and Gentile an issue in the early church?

The distinction between Jew and Gentile was relevant because the earliest Christians were born Jewish. The main issue between Jewish-born Christians and Gentiles was a question of whether a Gentile would need to accept all of the Jewish Laws and Precepts before accepting Christ. This would put a major impediment on Peter and Paul's attempts to get Greeks (who were not at all interested in circumcision, eating kosher, or ceasing work on the Sabbath) saved by Jesus. However, they had to contend with the fact that the Law of the Old Testament was an eternal law for the Jewish people. The understanding that they came to was that the Jewish-born Christians (and their descendants) were still bound by the Old Testament Law, but the Gentiles were not intended by that original covenant and therefore only the New Testament applied to them. As a result, this created two streams of Christianity, Jewish-born Christians and the new majority of Gentile Christians within the same church. Eventually, when the Jewish-born Christians became such a small minority that most of them had married Gentile Christians, they stopped following the Jewish Laws and simply merged themselves into the Gentile Christian mentality that the Old Testament Law no longer applied to them.

Is a non-Jew called a pagan?

Only idol-worshipers are known as pagans. Christians and Muslims are not. The proper term for a non-Jew is a Gentile.

What what early decision helped attract gentile converts Christianity and spa rate it from Judaism?

AnswerThe decision to accept gentiles as Christians without requiring them to be circumcided was one that helped attract gentile converts, but eventually led to the separation from mainstream Judaism.

Who is Cornelius What is his role in the death and resurrection of Jesus?

Cornelius was a Roman centurion who is considered by Christians to be the first Gentile to convert to the faith, as related in Acts of the Apostles.

What do gentiles believe in?

The definition of a "Gentile" is anyone who is a non-Jew. So the beliefs among Gentiles are as diversified as the people groups that the word "Gentile" represents. In today's culture, the beliefs of a Gentile might be anywhere from Atheism to Satanism or from Secular Humanism to Christianity. In the times that the Bible was written, many people groups worshipped idols such as Baal and Diana. There were also Gnostics, Satanists, Atheists and Christians just like there are today.

What issues were settled at the Jerusalem Conference?

whether or not gentile christians had to follow mosaic law in order to be official. paul is mad at peter because when peter eats with gentiles, he follows kosher laws. should gentiles have to follow kosher rules when they eat with jews? who is more respected? this i don't know but i know these are questions. also a question that do gentile christians need to be circumsized in order to be an official christian? no they do not

Why did Paul write a letter to the Romans?

The congregation in Rome was composed of both Jewish and Gentile Christians, and the letter to them dealt with specific problems and matters that were most vital to them, such as jealousies and feelings of superiority on both sides. It helped to settle the differences in viewpoint between Jewish and Gentile Christians , uniting them under Christ Jesus. (Romans 2:28-29) (Deuteronomy 4:8)(Psalm 147:19)

Was Matthew a gentile?

No, Matthew was not a Gentile. He was a Jewish tax collector before becoming one of the twelve apostles of Jesus.