

What are some animals that give birth to babies?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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11y ago

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There are many animals that are viviparous, meaning they have live births. These include mammals (lions, horses, humans, mice, bats, etc.) and some reptiles (certain species of snakes, for instance).

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Q: What are some animals that give birth to babies?
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Mammals give birth to live young. Birds, Fnish and Reptiles lay eggs. It is one of the distinguishing characteristics in determining what class an animal belongs to.

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they give birth in breeding boxes to 1 and some times 2 babies. the babies are tiny blind and grey. they give birth like any other mammal to live young. through the birthing canal and out the vagina.

Does a snake give birth to live babies?

No, it is a reptile and lays eggs. I once seen a Copperhead give birth to LIVE babies, So I would disagree and say it depends on the snake's breed. Some do, some don't: It depends on what type of snake.

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The only way they are alike is that some snakes & lizards give birth to live babies.

Do lizards leave their babies at birth?

I think when you asked if lizards "have babies" you may be asking if lizards give birth to live young. Most lizards lay eggs. However there are some lizards such as the blue tongue skink who give birth to live young. Therefore the blue tongue skink "have babies" rather than laying eggs.

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Amphibians mean living two lives. Amphibians are tetrapodes, usually watery animals, and have smooth skin. They lay soft eggs without any external covering. Examples are frogs, newts etc. Some amphibians, the Alpine Salamander for example, do give birth to live young.Mostly eggs, to my knowledge.

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Not always. Some fish lay eggs; others give birth to live young.

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Monkeys give birth to one or two babies at a time. Some species can have as many as three.

Why do Tiger fish lay egg or give birth?

All fish lay eggs. There are some water animals that are mammals like the whale and porpoise. They give birth.