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Severe sibling rivalry creates upheaval in the home and causes unbearable tension. It can be brought on by jealousy. The parents must make a concerted effort to treat both children equally, not showing favoritism. Also, there must be open communication in the home. The parents must agree on a course of action and be sure to follow the plan. If tensions do not ease, the family may wish to consider counseling.

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Q: What are some solutions for intense sibling rivalry?
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Depends how far your willing to go to win ANSWER: Some sibling rivalry is normal, even inevitable, but when it gets physical , or is so mean-spirited it leaves emotional scars, it will change the family dynamic and someone may have scars that last a lifetime.Anything that will diminish another's self-esteem or prejucide their future relationships should be avoided at all costs.

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Can verbal abuse be confused with sibling rivalry?

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What do i do if my Sibling won't stop bothering me?

Talk with your parents and ask them some suggestions. Help your sibling make friends, besides yours, and get some interests.

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How does the birth of a sibling affect you emotionally?

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