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Wait another week or two; take an at home test; go to the doctor afterward to confirm what the at home test says. It could just be pure coincidence.

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Q: What are the chances are that I'm pregnant if my period is 2 days late I usually have a regular 28 day cycle I know for a fact that I had sex the day after ovulation not to mention the whole month?
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What are the chances of being pregnant if your having a regular period?

when a person is having unprotected sex, the chances of becoming pregnant are 100%, no matter what the regulation of periods or ovulation dates are.

What are the chances of getting pregnant if he ejeculated and if your period just ended?

Pregnancy occurs around the time of ovulation which is roughly on day 14 of the cycle. This applies to periods that are regular. Chances are high that no pregnancy took place when intercourse occured after the end of one's period. Again, it is important to keep in mind that ovulation is easier to predict when a period is regular.

What if the end of ovulation was on the 5th can you still get pregnant on the 7th or 8th?

you can potentially get pregnant at any time of the month if you have unprotected sex. your chances are higher closer to ovulation. you can potentially get pregnant at any time of the month if you have unprotected sex. your chances are higher closer to ovulation. If your periods are regular say 28 days a cycle and generally are not erratic. then very close to you next due date when you will be getting periods...or just about four to five days before onset of periods you will not conceive. all the same some women do get pregnant so it cannot be relied upon entirely.

You have regular periods but you can't get pregnant?

Get a ovulation kit they tell you when your ovulating and increase the chance of getting pregnant good luck hope for the best in the future!

Do you have any advice on getting pregnant?

You and your husband should try to live healthy lifestyles that include nutritious food choices, regular exercise and no smoking or alcohol use. You can buy ovulation monitors that will let you know the ideal time to try to get pregnant. Stay calm and enjoy working on making the baby, too much stress can hinder your chances of getting pregnant.

Can you get pregnant during menses?

Yes you can. Ovulation normally occurs on day 14 of the cycle if the period is regular. However, ovulation may potentially occur at anytime during the cycle and lead to pregnancy.

If you have unprotected sex a week after her period can she get pregnant?

Yes that's actually about the time she's ovulating, so it's prime time for pregnancy to occur. Ovulation cycles differ however, so she may or not may not get pregnant. Yes. Ovulation usually occurs in regular monthly intervals. However, sexual activity can stimulate ovulation.

Can a girl get periods while she is pregnant?

No, it's biologically impossible to menstruate while pregnant. Menstruation is part of the menstrual cycle, a regular pattern of ovulation and the body preparing for pregnancy, or when there is no pregnancy the uterus lining shedding and the whole process starting again. Thus when pregnant the menstrual cycle is no longer carrying on, no ovulation and no menstruation.

Does depo-provera regulate ovulation?

Depo provera is meant to prevent ovulation to prevent pregnancy. It does not cause regular ovulation.

Can a women get pregnant when she had contact after her menstruation?

correct me if im wrong but if you have a regular period (28 weeks) then you ovulate right after menstruation. that's how i am, because i figured out ovulation days on a parenting website. put in the first day of my last period (sept. 24) and my ovulation days were oct. 4-8. so from the time you are pregnant to two weeks after you can ovulate and get pregnant

What day did you become pregnant your lms was Jan 31 2008?

It's hard to know the exact day of conception. If your cycles are regular and 28 days every month, you can figure that you ovulated around Feb. 14th, and probably got pregnant within 24 hours of ovulation since the egg only lives 12-24 hours after ovulation. If your cycles are longer, the day of ovulation would change as well.

What are the chances of of a woman getting pregnant if she has irregular periods?

the same as someone who has regular periods. having periods, in general, means that your body can have babies.