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Without knowing if a pregnancy test has been taken it is difficult to answer, some pregnancy symptoms are very similar to period symptoms. If you haven't already take a test, it's the only way to know for sure.

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Q: What are the chances of being pregnant if you have been having lots of pregnancy symptoms yet still feeling pre-period cramps?
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Am on birth control no symptoms of pregnancy and neg pregnancy tests?

This is what you would expect to occur; but there are slight chances to become pregnant even when taking the pill.

What are the chances of getting pregnancy symptoms every day of the pregnancy or are on an off pregnancy symptoms?

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If you are on the shot as per advice of your Gynecologist, chances of pregnancy is almost negligible. But if you have any doubt, you can get urine pregnancy test done every month at your home only.(By the way,we do not ask the builder about chances of collapsing the building or car dealer about chances of accident by a car sold by him.) Even if you get pregnant on shot accidentally, termination of pregnancy is very safe. So relax.

What are the chances of getting your period while actually being pregnant when you have several pregnancy symptoms?

It is possible to have a period like bleed during early pregnancy. But the bleeding is usually light and never a heavy, normal period bleed.

If you have no symptoms and you have gotten your period several times what are the chances of pregnancy?

not very likely

How does PID affect a pregnancy?

PID decreases the chances of becoming pregnant.

If you have your period a week after sex is it still possible you could be pregnant?

Hi,If you do receive your period and it is due then chances are you are not pregnant. Usually when you are pregnant you miss a period among other symptoms. Keep guard however. Always use protection to avoid unwanted pregnancy.

What are the chances of a pregnancy ultrasound being wrong?

There is only a 1% change of a pregnancy ultrasound being wrong. If you've taken a pregnancy test and then go in for an ultra sound to confirm the pregnancy, chances are you are definitely pregnant.

What are the chances of getting pregnant after having an ectopic pregnancy but didn't loose a tube?

You should still be able to get pregnant. If the other pregnancy was recent, then it is more likely you will be able to get pregnant because you are very fertile after a pregnancy

What are the chances of being pregnant if you have dizziness and other pregnancy symptoms but have a copper coil IUD?

Yes. All birth control methods can fail. If you feel that you could be pregnant with an IUD in place you should take a home pregnancy test and/or see a Dr right away due to risks to you and to the baby.

Can you get pregnant if you have pid again?

Chances of pregnancy decrease if you get another bacterial infection.